Brain-damage as a possible side effect of mRNA vaccines

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The mRNA vaccines are very clever technology. Normally, the mRNA would be attacked and destroyed on sight by the body’s immune system. A foreign mRNA strand is very dangerous to be floating around the body.

The mRNA vaccines use a very sophisticated mechanism to fool the immune system.

The DNA and RNA consists of several special molecules. These molecules have shorthand letters to denote them – A, T, G and C. In RNA molecules, the T is replaced by U.

The mRNA vaccines swap the U by a synthetic version called Ψ. [Reference:]

The synthetic mRNA then is no longer recognized by the immune system as an enemy, but it still functions as valid RNA! Thus is the immune system defeated.

The next problem is, how to get inside the cells? This is handled by encasing the mRNA in a “carrier molecule”, which looks like a bit of nice, tasty lipid particle to the body’s cells. But in reality, this is a Trojan Horse. The nice juicy lipid particle is made by using nanotechnology, and has mRNA hidden inside it.

So the cell ingests the lipid, and out bursts forth the mRNA from the perfectly good lipid particle!

In this way, the cellular defenses are defeated.

However, there is a question that arises.

The body has a defense mechanism called the Blood Brain Barrier. Its job is to keep dangerous items floating in the blood, out of the brain.

So the question is — is the fake lipid particle smart enough to defeat the Blood Brain Barrier?

The answer appears to be yes. Not only can the fake lipid particles defeat the brain’s natural defense mechanism, in fact they are the preferred delivery mechanism for drugs that are targeted to the brain! [Reference:]

So the answer is — yes. The lipid particles can totally defeat the Blood Brain Barrier and get inside the brain.

What happens once some of the vaccine gets inside the brain? Well, the vaccine’s job is to create tiny spike protein structures. So it will create tiny spike protein structures in the brain.

The brain does not have normal antibodies to clean up these spike proteins. The brain does have neuroglial cells for clean up, but it is not known how well they will deal with this type of sub-microscopic structure.

There is no reason why these spike protein structures can not end up in brain structures known as “synaptic clefts”, where they can interfere with normal brain signals. The spike proteins can also cause other possible damage.

None of this — what do the spike proteins do to the brain — is very well understood at this point, so the government has no reason to be able to honestly say “No, brain damage is impossible”. All the available research says it is entirely possible.

The vaccine receiver must be given the chance for informed consent.

Therefore these vaccines must clearly state that brain damage is one of the possible and likely side effects.

EDIT: I would like to add that the alarm was raised by Classen. What he is saying, basically boils down to “Hey, that tiny little part of the vaccine’s spike protein, looks exactly like this other debris we tend to find in Alzheimer patients.” So whether or not that tiny part of the sequence is causing damage — the point is we don’t know enough about what the whole spike protein does.

Article Source: Brain-damage as a possible side effect of mRNA vaccines | by Mukesh Prasad | Apr, 2021 | Medium

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