16 year old California boy’s immune system was destroyed by three COVID-19 mRNA vaccines – reactivated EBV post COVID-19 vaccination can be fatal

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Redwood City, California – 16 year old Jonathan Zhao died on March 31, 2023.

Jonathan had his COVID-19 mRNA vaccine booster shot in January 2022. Shortly after, he suffered from severe bodily infections and his health continued to deteriorate until he was finally hospitalized at Stanford Children’s Hospital in November 2022 and diagnosed with Chronic Active Epstein-Barr Virus (CAEBV). (click here)

the extent to which Jonathan’s immune system has been completely compromised is extremely rare. Jonathan’s case has no precedent. He went through unconventional hormone therapy with chemotherapy 3 times in order to treat these severe, repetitive infections, but unfortunately, the treatments did not succeed.

“Jonathan was transferred to the ICU twice where he requires around-the-clock medical and physical attention from the healthcare team”

“Jonathan was a remarkably happy, healthy, and athletic kid who loved to play competitive soccer. He had outstanding grades in Pinewood High School and his dream was becoming a medical professional. Jonathan had great manners, a good heart, and a strong sense of responsibility in life with a bright future awaiting him”

This is a tragic story of a healthy 16 year old boy whose health and life were destroyed by three COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.

Alia Hadley is a 42 year old woman who became vaccine injured after her 2nd Pfizer dose. She was diagnosed with EBV reactivation and her 5 year old daughter caught EBV from her. In her words: (click here)

“Well I’m about to hit my 19 month mark since my serious adverse reactions/injuries started on 8/26/21. Over the last year I’ve been diagnosed with Dysautonomia, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, Small Fiber Neuropathy (which the burning goes from my feet to my upper thighs now unfortunately) chronic excruciating pain now throughout my entire body that no one can explain and bone crushing fatigue.”

“I’m still in bed 85% of every day. Since my daughter was exposed to me post shot and ended up in the hospital 15 days later and then caught my reactivated EBV a year ago, she has been sick off and on for the entire time I’ve been disabled. I don’t know how to help her get better either and her pediatrician doesn’t believe me about the possibility of shedding but I’m pretty sure she’s been exposed as well which is devastating! I never wanted to get these shots but I NEVER would have gotten it if I had known it would harm my only child so badly!”

26 year old woman from Connecticut had 1st Pfizer mRNA dose and shortly after felt dizzy, had severe chest pain, headache and extreme fatigue. Two weeks later her EBV panel showed EBV reactivation. After 3 months she is still experiencing fatigue, tachycardia, severe chest pain, severe daily migraines, severe GI upset and more.

72 year old man from Wisconsin had 3 Pfizer mRNA doses. 11 months after 3rd dose he was admitted to hospital with night sweats, mental fog and abdominal pain. He was found to have acute hepatic failure. Liver biopsy showed EBV reactivation with lymphoma cells in the liver. He died a week later.

A 24 year old man developed skin rash after 2nd dose of Pfizer and was diagnosed with EBV reactivation. This was the 1st published case of EBV reactivation in an immuno-competent person (click here)

A shocking Polish study reported: “10 transplant (8 kidney and 2 liver) recipients with noticeable EBV viremia exacerbation or reactivation within a short period after two doses of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.” (click here)

The virus reactivations post COVID-19 vaccination we hear about the most are Varicella Zoster Virus (Shingles) and Herpes Simplex.


COVID-19 mRNA vaccines can severely damage the immune system – which can, in some cases, lead to reactivation of latent viruses such as VZV, HSV and EBV.

Unsurprisingly, both Pfizer and Moderna have new mRNA vaccines already in clinical trials for all three viruses.

EBV is one of the most common human viruses. Most people get infected with EBV at some point in their lives. EBV spreads most commonly through bodily fluids, primarily saliva. EBV can cause infectious mononucleosis, also called mono, and other illnesses.

Many people become infected with EBV in childhood. EBV infections in children usually do not cause symptoms, or the symptoms are not distinguishable from other mild, brief childhood illnesses. People who get symptoms from EBV infection, usually teenagers or adults, get better in two to four weeks.

As CDC tells us, people with weakened immune systems are more likely to develop symptoms if EBV reactivates. (click here)

In the tragic case of 16 year old Jonathan Zhao, 3 COVID-19 mRNA vaccines destroyed his immune system, allowing EBV reactivation to become fatal.


**Source: 16 year old California boy’s immune system was destroyed by three COVID-19 mRNA vaccines – reactivated EBV post COVID-19 vaccination can be fatal

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