Defending the Use of mRNA Technology. Ignorance or Psychopathy?

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March 26, 2023: On October 26, 2021, I was interviewed by Brannon Howse to discuss the criminality and psychopathy behind the mRNA bioweapon agenda and injecting children. During the interview, we discuss the shedding evidence from Pfizer’s study designs, the devastating effects of shedding on children, the criminality of the FDA approval for Pfizer’s mRNA vaccines, and the high level of ignorance or psychopathy required to approve and inject children with an obvious bioweapon.

Why would you think that it is a vaccine and not a bioweapon if it’s producing a bioweapon in your body?” – Karen Kingston, October 26, 2021

“Now, we’re finding out that the spike protein is in fact a bioweapon. So, it is only intended to harm, disable, cause, chronic diseases, and kill people. That’s what bioweapons do.” – Karen Kingston, Brannon Howse Interview, October 26, 2021

Karen Kingston: So what we’ve done is simply annihilate the child’s natural immune response (with mRNA injections) and then give them a robust immune response, which can be immunogenicity. So, we were teaching the children’s immune system to attack cells.

Brannon Howse: And were you on here when Dr. Judy was talking about the vaccine and what the FDA was saying about it infertility? Were you on here when she was talking about that?

Karen Kingston: Yes.

Brannon Howse: So again, are you telling me and Dr. Judy is telling me that in the coming months, weeks, years, we’re going to see a spike in cancer with people? And then, of course, a lot of these kids, a lot of they’re going to end up dying of cancer or have cancer and a lot of them going to be infertile is that what this tells us?

Karen Kingston: This is going to harm the children and cause autoimmune diseases, death and infertility in children and adults.

In children, I think if people were not in this state of fear and you saw a child wearing a mask to school all the time, you would say, “Why are you wearing a mask?”

And if the child said, “Well, I have got a cold. I was told by my parents that I could kill grandma and grandpa. So, I need to wear my mask.

And then you say, “Well, that’s not right. You know that?”

And the child responds, “No. No! My teacher said to wear the mask too.”

At that point, you would then realize that that child is being abused.


**Source: Defending the Use of mRNA Technology. Ignorance or Psychopathy?

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