An NHS Nurses Resignation Letter – “I am utterly dismayed and disheartened by my profession” (An absolutely must-read)

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Dear Ms Sutcliffe and all Executive Directors,

I write to you today as a highly experienced nurse with 27 years service, to inform you  that when my registration expires on 31.05.2021 I will not be renewing it and therefore I  am resigning my registration and leaving the profession.

The reasons for this are many but to summarize I am utterly dismayed and disheartened  by my profession and with you as our governing body at the complete lack of integrity  that has been displayed since the beginning of the ‘Covid19 Crisis’.

The facts about the reality and truth of this alleged crisis are readily available for anyone  to find and investigate for themselves, not least you, a body that should have been doing  just this, seeking the truth and advocating for both your members and our patients, past,  present and future. We are patient advocates not government puppets.

Under the guise of ‘Covid19’ (which has never been isolated or purified) a massive  injustice has been served onto the people of this country and globally. It was and remains  our duty as healthcare professionals to learn the truth and to be the voice of these  people, yet there has been a deafening silence and a sickening desire to simply comply  by you and so many of my colleagues that I can not and will not condone. Sadly in these  times, for me to speak out about these injustices and to be a true advocate for my  patients has meant me being bullied and ostracized by my colleagues, removed from  clinical practice by hospital management who state they are unable to consider any  evidence presented to them that questions the official narrative and state that they must  simply comply with government ‘guidance’ regardless of any harm they may cause.

When did our profession cease to be based on evidence? When did we become order  followers uninterested in the facts on which we base the care we give and devastatingly  now on which we deny patients and their families care? To speak out about the many  1000s of people in this country alone that have had treatment and investigations delayed  or have been left to die, has meant me living in constant fear of being ‘struck off’ the  register for simply doing what I swore to do, speak and act for the benefit of my patients  at all times.

I refer below to the first part of our code of conduct.

Read the full letter here: Source: An NHS Nurses Resignation Letter – “I am utterly dismayed and disheartened by my profession” (An absolutely must-read) – David Icke

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