Strokes are skyrocketing in young people – Pfizer & Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines showed…

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…safety signals for strokes as early as November 2021, but these were ignored

Joe recalled how he had to ask a teacher for help opening his locker because he physically couldn’t get this hand turn the lock. But Joe shrugged it off and went about his day. Then he started having problems walking during recess later that day. Joe said he would try to walk, but his leg wouldn’t move. (click here)

Sophie was on vacation when she began to feel ill. (click here)

D’Andre Hicks with his mother. (CBS Local Video Screengrab)

Even mainstream media are now admitting the painfully obvious elephant in the room:

Risk of stroke is growing among women under 50 and women of color” (click here)

Sharp rise in stroke cases among the young” (click here)

Why are Millennials having so many strokes?” (click here)

National Stroke Awareness Day: Why more young people are having strokes” (click here)

Doctors see rise in strokes for younger adults” (click here)

The stream of propaganda trying to explain it all away, is nauseating.

WHO VigiAccess database lists the following Adverse Events for COVID-19 vaccines: (click here)

  • Seizures: 21,275 (for comparison)
  • Cerebrovascular accident: 17,561
  • Transient ischemic attack: 5,903
  • Ischaemic stroke: 5,145
  • Cerebral infarction: 4,693
  • Cerebral haemorrhage: 3,797
  • Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis: 2,516

These are not small numbers. That’s almost 40,000 reports.

I’ve looked over the literature. Once again, I am amazed at the concerted effort to bury all safety signals regarding strokes and COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.

Some papers say: yes, there are strokes post COVID-19 vaccination but they’re rare, and the “benefits” of vaccination outweigh the risks of stroke. Of course, we now know that these “benefits” were nothing more than a well-crafted fraud.

Interestingly, a Canadian/US study accepted for publication in Nov.2021 found safety signals for stroke with both Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, that were completely ignored:

According to the authors (click here): “We also found signals for cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) with the two mRNA vaccines, Pfzer-BioNTech and Moderna.

The signal for ischemic stroke was also increased for all COVID-19 vaccines but not with the influenza vaccine, with the highest risk being with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.

Of course, these safety signals were ignored by our Public Health Officials and politicians. There was simply too much money to be made.


**Source: Strokes are skyrocketing in young people – Pfizer & Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines showed safety signals for strokes as early as November 2021, but these were ignored.

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