How Can the Big Pharma Agenda Survive Three Ultra-VAXXED Countries Spiking on the Same Day?

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The writing is on the wall. It isn’t written in a language that requires Daniel the Prophet to decipher. It’s written in plain English in flashing neon lights telling any thinking human that the Covid “vaccine” agenda is flawed beyond any semblance of reasonable doubt. But a strong delusion has engulfed the populace to the point that those who have pushed universal vaccinations and forced vaccine mandates seem absolutely locked into their massively debunked agenda.

In a normal world, the last 24-hours would have been ringing alarm bells around the world. Three countries experienced their largest spike in Covid-19 cases since the pandemic began. All three countries are “ultra-vaxxed” with the vast majority of their populations supposedly “protected” (according to the new definition of “vaccines”) from the coronavirus. This should be a massive blow to Big Pharma’s money-printing agenda. Instead, it’s getting zero attention from governments, mainstream media, Big Tech, academia, the healthcare industry, or any of Big Pharma’s minions.

In other words, we do not live in a normal world. We live in a world that has been brainwashed by too much Pandemic Panic Theater, a post-truth society where the facts really are secondary to feelings (sorry Ben Shapiro).

Here are three countries that should have already beaten Covid-19 if Fauci et al are to be believed…

Read full story [icon name=”arrow-right” prefix=”fas”] How Can the Big Pharma Agenda Survive Three Ultra-VAXXED Countries Spiking on the Same Day?

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