Dr. Robert Malone: ‘The Vaccinated Are Actually the Ones That Are Creating the Highest Risk for Everybody’

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Editor’s Commentary: Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA technology used in most of the “vaccines” being distributed today in the United States, is a fountain of information. Reading the article and watching the video below made for a very big challenge as I searched for the most important tidbit of information he poured out. There was simply so much it was difficult to isolate one upon which to focus.

I chose his perspective on the “vaccinated” being the actual superspreaders because it brought up an important point that can hopefully help us bring sanity back to this nation. There have been plenty of studies showing that those who get jabbed are just as likely to contract and spread the disease. What Dr. Malone speculated with strong common sense to go along with the science is that since the injections appear to keep people from getting as sick once they contract the disease compared to the unvaxxed, the vaxxed are actually the complacent ones who are currently spreading the disease the most.

It makes sense. It also means there’s a slippery slope in revealing this because it’s more likely our government will react by increasing restrictions on the vaccinated rather than easing restrictions on the unvaxxed. After careful consideration, I decided this is a positive development. The powers-that-be are attempting to make life as difficult and uncomfortable as possible for the unvaxxed. It will take sharing our difficulties with the vaccinated in order for many of them to realize the unhinged, draconian nature of what’s happening in America.

In other words, they need to feel our pain in order for us to get more of the vaccinated fighting the mandates with us. Sharing the knowledge that the vaccinated are the actual superspreaders has a better chance of helping our cause than hurting it. Therefore, that’s the piece of information I chose to highlight here. With that said, listen to everything Dr. Malone says and read everything the Dr. Joseph Mercola writes in the article and video below. It’s all useful…


  • CDC director Rochelle Walensky overruled the CDC’s expert panel and went ahead with the recommendation to issue a booster shot for adults at high risk of infection
  • This is because COVID-19 shots do not fully protect you from infection, virus replication or shedding, and just because you’ve had the jab doesn’t mean you’re not going to infect anybody else
  • An unspoken social contract convinced many people to get the jabs — if you submit to the experimental shots, you would not only be personally protected but you would also protect your community, and we could all recover and get back to a sense of normalcy
  • By reducing symptoms of illness while allowing viral replication to continue, the injections increase the likelihood that vaccinated people will become superspreaders of COVID-19
  • Malone predicts that as the shots’ effectiveness continues to wane, we’re going to see increasing cases of vaccinated people getting COVID-19 and being hospitalized and dying as a result, at which point people will have to come to terms with the fact that they’ve been misled
  • Three action items Malone took home from the International COVID Summit are the importance of optimizing vitamin D levels; you don’t have to live in fear; and find a doctor who will give you early treatment for COVID-19 if you test positive

Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA and DNA vaccine core platform technology, was among the respected doctors, lawyers and other professionals who spoke at the International COVID Summit in Rome, September 12 to 14, 2021.

The cross-border initiative aimed to provide a safe space and platform for the exchange of information and sharing of experiences, research and studies to further the care of COVID-19 patients worldwide.

It’s become abundantly clear that the injections aren’t the panacea to end the pandemic that they’ve been purported to be, and Malone spoke with TrialSite News to help spread the truth about the jabs’ inefficacies and risks, government conflicts of interest that are putting public health at risk and more.1

The FDA and CDC Are Beyond the Law…

Read full story [icon name=”arrow-right” prefix=”fas”] Source: Dr. Robert Malone: ‘The Vaccinated Are Actually the Ones That Are Creating the Highest Risk for Everybody’

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