Coincidence? Government Reports suggest Children are dying of Strep A due to immense damage done to Immune System by COVID Vaccination

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In the spring of 2022, the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) issued a ‘global alert’ about a new form of severe hepatitis that was killing children.

Then just days after the W.H.O. announcement, a new scientific study was “coincidentally” published that concluded Covid-19 vaccination has the ability to cause severe autoimmune hepatitis.

Now, just a few months later, we have authorities, with the help of the mainstream media, striking the fear of god into parents across the UK in regard to the safety of their children because of an alleged spate of sudden deaths among kids due to what is normally a mild bacterial infection known as Strep A (Streptococcus A).

But with –

  • Official Government reports proving COVID Vaccination causes immense damage to the immune system reminiscent of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome,
  • Official European mortality data proving excess deaths among children have increased by 552% ever since the European Medicines Agency approved the Covid-19 vaccine for children,
  • Secret data published by the Centers for Disease Control confirming at least 118k children & young adults have died suddenly in the USA since the Covid-19 vaccine roll-out, and
  • UK Government data confirming Covid-19 vaccinated children are up to 137x more likely to die than unvaccinated children,

Is it time authorities finally admitted we have now witnessed more than enough “coincidences” to confirm that Covid-19 vaccination is the most likely cause of children suddenly dying of Strep A infection due to the immense damage it does to the immune system?

These are the sort of headlines being published by the mainstream media in the UK at the moment –

And according to the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA, there were “851 cases of scarlet fever and invasive Goup A Strep reported in week 46, compared to an average of 186 for the preceding years”.

The UKHSA has also confirmed that scarlet fever, caused by a bacteria called group A streptococci, which also causes other respiratory and skin infections such as strep throat and impetigo, ‘is usually a mild illness’.

The agency has also confirmed that ‘there is no evidence that a new strain is circulating.’

So why are we suddenly seeing so many children dying due to the bacteria? With an alleged 16 deaths as of December 9th.

The most likely argument you’ll hear from authorities is that is due to the lockdowns that were introduced in 2020 in response to the alleged Covid-19 pandemic. They will claim that the lack of human interaction will have reduced immunity among children to simple infections.

But the last full lockdown ended in March 2021, and all schools reopened at the same time. So surely we should have seen an increase in mild diseases turning into serious diseases among children in the winter of 2021 if the lack of human interaction had reduced immunity among children to simple infections?

As we all know, that didn’t happen. So what other common denominators could possibly be causing children to suffer serious disease or death due to what would have otherwise been mild infections prior to 2020?

All evidence points to that common denominator being the Covid-19 injection, which was first offered to all children aged 12 to 15 in September 2021, and then offered to children aged 5 to 11 in February of 2022.

And now the UK Medicine Regulator has “authorised” the Pfizer vaccine for use in infants and children aged 6 months to 4 years as of December 6th.

All of this has been and is being done despite the fact we know that children do not suffer serious disease due to Covid-19, and the Covid-19 injections do not prevent infection or transmission. In fact, the official evidence suggests they actually increase the likelihood of infection.

So let’s take a look at the evidence and then you can decide for yourself whether to believe the official narrative that ‘a lack of exposure to strep A during the height of the pandemic’ is to blame for a sudden rise in children dying, or whether the Covid-19 injections may in fact be to blame.

A trip down Memory Lane – Hepatitis

On April 15 2022, the World Health Organization issued a global alert about a new form of severe acute Hepatitis with an unknown aetiology (cause) affecting previously healthy children in the UK over the last month. Cases have also been notified in Spain and Ireland. Tests have excluded all previously known Hepatitis viruses.

The announcement came after the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) had detected higher than usual rates of liver inflammation (hepatitis) in children.

Then, just a few days later, a new scientific study was published on 21st April 2022, that concluded Covid-19 vaccination can elicit a distinct T cell-dominant immune-mediated hepatitis (liver inflammation) with a unique pathomechanism associated with vaccination-induced antigen-specific tissue-resident immunity requiring systemic immunosuppression.

The NHS began rolling out the Pfizer Covid-19 injection to five million 5 to 11-year-old children in the UK at the beginning of April 2022. It had previously been administering it to young children deemed vulnerable since the end of 2021.

Is it just a coincidence that a mere few weeks later an extremely concerning number of children were suffering hepatitis of unknown cause? A form of hepatitis so severe that children required liver transplants or lost their lives?

That’s for you to decide, but you can read more about it here.

COVID Vaccination destroys the Immune System & can cause Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) used to publish a weekly Vaccine Surveillance Report, with each report containing four weeks worth of data on Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations, and deaths by vaccination status.

We analysed 5 of these published Vaccine Surveillance Reports containing data from August 16th 2021 to January 2nd 2022, in order to get a clear picture of the effect the Covid-19 vaccines were having on the immune systems of the vaccinated population, and this is what we found…

See full story here: #Coincidence – Government Reports suggest Children are dying of Strep A due to immense damage done to Immune System by COVID Vaccination – The Expose

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