Breaking: Majority of Mumps Cases Are Among the Vaccinated!

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Vaccinated children in the United States are coming down with mumps, a respiratory infection.  The cases of mumps continue to rise among those children who have received a vaccination for it.

According to the report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one-third of mumps cases in the U.S. from 2007 to 2019 were reported in children and adolescents. As many as 94 percent of those who contracted the illness had been vaccinated, according to a report by NBC News

“Before that, large outbreaks of mumps among people who were fully vaccinated were not common, including among vaccinated children,” said Mariel Marlow, an epidemiologist at the CDC who led the new study. “But the disease symptoms are usually milder and complications are less frequent in vaccinated people.”

The same line is being used now for the mumps vaccine, as they use for the flu shot and the COVID shot.

None of that appears to be true, however, based on studies done of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated children.

The numbers are still low, according to the ruling class, and there is apparently, for those who have suspended critical thinking, a reason to believe vaccines are no longer effective, said Joseph Lewnard, an assistant professor of epidemiology at the School of Public Health at the University of California, Berkeley.

So, line up, take all the shots you can, and just continue to get all the disease you were supposedly protected against. Now we are being told all about breakthrough infections for all vaccines in order to make the COVID vaccines look less sinister. There’s a psychological operation behind the release of this information on the mumps vaccine, and it likely has to do with the COVID shots.

Stay alert and aware and always use critical thinking. Things are starting to get insane, especially since omicron (moronic) scariant is being shoved in our faces. Mild colds were never newsworthy before, but now they are, along with the fact that vaccines don’t work. We truly live in the strangest of times, and most are incapable of connecting any of the dots.

This article was written by Mac Slavo at

Article Source: Breaking: Majority of Mumps Cases Are Among the Vaccinated! | Principia Scientific Intl.

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