Widespread civil unrest is growing all over the Globe and this Summer may be tipping point

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(OPINION) Angry citizens are taking to the streets all over the world, and often they are lashing out in wild and unpredictable ways. The eruptions of civil unrest that you will read about below are all happening for different reasons, but they all have one thing in common.

People are deeply frustrated with the direction that things are going, and they have lost faith in the ability of their elected representatives to solve their problems. Unfortunately, this is just the beginning. For years I have been warning my readers that we will eventually see civil unrest on a scale that we have never seen before. Could it be possible that we are now entering the leading edge of that storm?

On Tuesday, the streets of Paris were turned into a war zone as French citizens expressed their displeasure with the pension reforms that French President Emmanuel Macron seems determined to implement… Violence erupted on the streets of Paris today as thousands took to the streets across France to protest against pension reforms.

Riot police fought running battles with demonstrators in the capital city on a so-called Black Tuesday of industrial action across the country.

The worst trouble was close to the Port Royal metro station, where hundreds of riot police used tear gas and baton charges. As projectiles rained down on them, bins were set on fire and bus stops destroyed by so-called Black Bloc anarchists.

A lot of people out there believed that Emmanuel Macron would emerge as a great leader that would be capable of uniting all of Europe behind him. That is obviously not going to happen.

A few days before the protests in Paris, farmers in Belgium literally rolled 2,700 tractors into the heart of the capital of the European Union…

Convoys of tractors brought traffic in Brussels to a standstill Friday, as thousands of Belgian farmers protested the Flemish regional government’s plans to limit nitrogen emissions from agriculture.

Some 2,700 tractors rolled into Brussels from the Flanders region, according to police estimates, filling the streets with a cacophony of honks as farmers vented their anger over the planned cuts, which they say threaten to put many of them out of business.

I fully support what those farmers are trying to do. What the EU is doing to farmers is literally insane, and I can definitely understand why they are so upset. Elsewhere in Europe, demonstrations against NATO involvement in the war in Ukraine are getting larger and larger…

Thousands of demonstrators gathered in Brussels and Paris to show support for Ukraine on Saturday, while a demonstration against supplying Ukraine with weapons attracted 10,000 people in Berlin and London

If the American people actually understood what was at stake, we would see similar anti-war protests here in this country too. Hopefully, our citizens will wake up before this conflict goes nuclear.

Down in South Africa, an unprecedented energy crisis literally has the entire nation on the verge of “collapse”… South Africa is on the verge of “collapse” amid rolling blackouts and warnings a total power grid failure could lead to mass rioting on the scale of a “civil war”.

**Source: Widespread civil unrest is growing all over the Globe and this Summer may be tipping point

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