Why Do We Agree to Participate in Evil?

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Why do I agree to participate in evil? Have you ever asked yourself this question? I mean really taken the time to deeply understand that no one on the planet Earth today is perfect, completely innocent, or morally pure.

Professor Jordan Peterson is known for quoting Carl Jung’s human behavioral insights regarding the concept of the Shadow. Carl Jung believes the Shadow is the dark and evil side of every person that we must each individually look at and wrestle with. According to Jung and Peterson, those who are unwilling to acknowledge that evil exists in their own heart and deeply examine how evil can influence one’s own behavior, will be annihilated to the exact level of their naïveté.

In other words, if you don’t believe that there is some evil in you, then you will be completely blind to the evil in the world and unaware of when you are being manipulated by and participating in evil.

We all think we know what we would do if asked to participate in the physical harm of innocent adults and children. Most of us would say, “I would NEVER harm an innocent adult or child, even if you held a gun to my head.

Especially doctors who took the Hippocratic oathto do NO harm.


It may be a helpful exercise for doctors and healthcare providers to ask themselves, “Am I willing to knowingly withhold informed consent from patients and to harm patients in order to keep my license, income, and network of colleagues?”And then reflect on their words and actions over the past two years.

Healthcare providers aside, maybe some of us believe, “I would scream from the mountain tops, protest until I was dragged off to prison, and rescue children myself from any place a child is being abused. I would never be able to quietly sit by and witness the abuse of a child.”


In March of 2020, State governors closed down businesses, schools and churches across the United States, told residents to go under house arrest and remain in their homes (other than for essentials) until it was ‘safe’ to go back outside.

When it was ‘safe’ for our children to return to school, they had to stand six feet apart, sit six feet apart, wear face masks, eat outside in freezing weather, and some schools had plexiglass dividers, as if our children were prisoners of war being mentally abused in a war camp. And we agreed to this. Why?


In my heart, I believe many Americans knew by two weeks into the lockdowns that the lockdowns were a complete sham in order to destroy our economy and do irreparable harm to our children. Yet we (including myself) were willing to sit back and watch the COVID-19 theatre play out. This was a terrible idea.

All of the COVID-19 CDC/HHS ‘guidelines’ were not only terrible ideas, but part of a malevolent plan to train us to not only not question evil, but to actively have ourselves and our children participate in perverse emotional and ungodly abuse. Why did we do this? Why did the churches participate? And will we do it again?


The Apostle Paul speaks to the internal struggle every man and woman has with good and evil in the book of Romans.

Romans 7:15 “For what I am doing, I do not understand. For what I will do that I do not practice, but what I hate, that I do.”

The last 2 and half years have shown us that we don’t really know ourselves as individuals, local communities, nations, or global citizens. When we agree to do things we don’t agree with or to not speak out against what we know is untrue or morally wrong, we are actively participating in evil.

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Why do we sometimes unknowingly or knowingly participate evil? Do the decades of world governments’ research intofear-based human behaviorsand Ai formulated messaging and response timing on social media and communications networks know us better than we know ourselves? How do we stop ourselves from participating in evil again?



Source: Why Do We Agree to Participate in Evil? – by Karen Kingston

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