WHO & CDC Confirm: Variants Caused By Gene Deletion And Mutation

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By Dr. Ariyana Love

(Updated January 11, 2022)

The U.S. Army just announced their new creation of a Spike Ferritin Nanoparticle (SpFN) “vaccine”, claiming that it works “against all existing COVID & SARS variants”. Without animal testing or safety studies, Human trials are already underway.

The U.S. Army published a series of preclinical studies claiming the Spike Ferritin Nanoparticle serum “protects against heterologous challenge with B.1.1.7 and B.1.351 virus variants” during an animal trial. This is key to understanding what they’re really doing with these death jabs.

“B.1.1.7” and “B.1.351” are literal genetic lineages that contain your God-given genetic information. Heterologous challenges result from cross-species genomics. When you delete genes and code Human cells with insect DNA (Luciferase) and monkey DNA, bad things happen. It’s called genetic mutation.

The official narrative explains that the B.1.1.7 Alpha variant of SARS-CoV-2, the supposed “virus” that causes COVID-19, has turned up in the UK and the B.1.351 Beta variant in South Africa. Then there’s the B.1.1.529 Omicron variant which is new on the scene. Now I’m going to explain to you how you’re being fooled because first they fool you then they rule you.

The CDC website mentions the “variant of concern (VOC), lineage B.1.1.7 is also referred to as VOC 202012/01 or 20I/501Y.V1”. Another page of the CDC website says about the B.1.1.7 variant, “This variant has a mutation in the receptor binding domain (RBD) of the spike protein at position 501, where the amino acid asparagine (N) has been replaced with tyrosine (Y). The shorthand for this mutation is N501Y”.

The key word in that quotation is REPLACED.

The Bullfrog

Look up N501Y and you find that it’s a genetic mutation resulting from reverse genetics (cloning). Reverse genetics involves directed gene deletions and point mutations (site-directed mutagenesis) to create null alleles (non-functional); which is gene knockouts. These gene deletions lead to permanent loss-of-function.

CRISPR-Cas9 – technology is raping your cells’ genome and cutting it at a specific location to allow genes to be removed and new engineered sequences to be inserted using RNA interference to permanently silence genes. Genetic knockdowns are typically temporary whereas genetic knockouts are permanent.

Moderna and other pharmaceutical bioterrorists researched extensively the knockout of genes in regards to “curing cancer” and what the reduction of amino acid asparagine (N) causes. The CDC says the amino acid asparagine (N) has been replaced with tyrosine (Y). When you knockout genes, the protein associated with that gene stops being produced by your cells. In this case it’s the amino acid asparagine (N) that has been replaced with tyrosine (Y) which causes rapid cancer growth. They want you sick and dying.

Gene deletion is also a behavioral modification that decreases your intelligence. It also serves to enhance receptor binding. Doctors must pay attention to this information.

The N501Y mutation is being induced by gene deletion, to cross the species barrier so that animal diseases (monkey disease) can create infection in Human cells that would not naturally occur. Since animal diseases do not infect Humans, cloning is necessary.

The UK Government says the “VOC-202012/01 variant includes 23 changes in the “virus” with eight mutations (changes) in the outer “spike” protein; nine changes that alter the amino acid sequence of proteins elsewhere in the virus genome, and six changes that do not alter the amino acid sequence of proteins elsewhere in the virus genome”.

What they are really talking about is YOU. Since viruses are still a theory and have never been proven to exist, governments and the pharmaceutical cartel are using the word “virus” to deceive the medical community and divert our attention away from their Bioterrorism. They want us to believe that a boogey virus mysteriously jumped from bats to Humans when actually they’re making changes to the Human genome.

This study confirms that SARS-CoV is nothing but “S glycoproteins” made using an unnatural genetic sequences that fools your cells into thinking it’s natural so your body will not reject the biohacking technology.

The Spike Ferritin Nanoparticle SpFN WO2021178971A1 patent, also confirms that the SARS-CoV is an “glycoprotein S” which is the “spike protein”.

So there you go, mystery solved. The infamous “spike protein” is not a “spike” protein from a “virus” after all. The glycoprotein S is a chimeric Bioweapon.

The SpFN patent also contains the transfection agent HEK293T/17 which is Human embryonic kidney DNA. It’s a chimeric “pcDNA” for cloning.

Thermo Fischer is using a “pcDNA cloning kit” which also does gene deletion.

The SpFN patent also contains HIV-1 which is patented and owned by the treasonous, mass murdering, Genocidal Anthony Fauci. It also has Luciferase (insect DNA) for tracking your every move. Oh yeah… and the patent confirms it came from Wuhan, China!

Aluminum Hydroxide is also listed in the SpFN patent and Aluminum Hydroxide is made from Graphene Oxide. They call it “Alhydrogel”. So… Graphene Oxide is irrefutably in the SpFN Bioweapon shots!

It gets even more disgusting. They’re using bullfrog DNA to create their chimeric glycoprotein “S”.

Who wouldn’t want to be transfected and cloned with bullfrog? Because if you don’t accept their Franken-vaxx, then you’re a racist… against the bullfrog species!


Studies show that the B.1.1.7 “variant” is directly caused by gene 69-70 deletion in Humans. The B.1.351 “variant” is directly caused by gene 241–243 deletion.

The CDC openly admits that the Omicron variant is the result of an “S gene drop out” caused by “gene 69-70 deletion”.

The World Health Organization says that the S gene is not present in the Omicron variant. In its report titled “Classification of Omicron (B.1.1.529): SARS-CoV-2 Variant of Concern“,  the WHO’s Technical Advisory Group on SARS-CoV-2 Virus Evolution (TAG-VE) confirmed that the RT-PCR kits which are designed to target the S gene, detect a complete dropout of the S gene.

Thermo Fisher’s Genetic Sciences Division revealed that the B.1.1.7 variant is the result of gene mutation caused by the gene deletion of the “S gene”. Thermo Fisher explains that the “S gene” is a 69-70 deletion. Thermo Fisher admits that gene deletion mutations is the cause of all SARS-CoV-2 variants, Lambda, Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, etc.

Are you catching on? The “S” gene is the glycoprotein S Bioweapon, an artificial genetic sequence that’s being coded into Human cells (transfection/cloning) after gene knockout.

On their website Thermo Fisher also admits:

“The Omicron variant has been found to include the 69-70del mutation of the S gene, first identified as a mutation in the Alpha variant. This mutation causes a dropout of the S-gene target in results from widely used TaqPath COVID-19 Detection Kits. An S-gene failure does not mean a result is negative, only that the S gene was not detected. Multiple public health organizations have noted that this pattern of detection (i.e. S-gene dropout) can be used as a marker for this variant, pending sequencing confirmation.”

So there you have it. The PCR kits target genes for gene deletions and monitor the cloning progress.

All Covid vaxx patents mention gene deletion. Both Pfizer and Moderna claim their serums “protect against” the variants. The Moderna patent states it’s death jab is “folding proteins”. The folding of proteins induces genetic mutations.

The Pfizer patent directly states that it’s serum is deleting genes 69-70 and 242-244. So these lying bastards are not “protecting” against anything. They are inducing the scary variants through gene deletion.

Do not drink their poison.

The Pfizer vaxx patent also mentions the N501Y mutation due to but not limited to 69-70 gene deletions. Remember, 144 gene deletion causes rapid cancer growth.

Pfizer patent WO2021213945A1

Thermo Fisher owns the patent to a PCR kit that “targets genes”. The PCR kit is also a marker to “test” for gene deletions to determine if the jabbed are patent eligible.

Thermo Fisher sells the Microbeads used in the death jabs and markets them as Dynabeads and SPIONs. Then they have a PCR kit to “test” how their cloning project is going.

Cloning any species results in mutations that are unpredictable, as I previously documented in my articles here, here and here.


Variants are caused by gene deletion from fake vaccines and fake tests. Stop complying to your Democide and Mark of The Beast enslavement.

Serve the war criminals (anyone pushing the death jab) with Notices of Liability.

Contact me or book a free consultation and I will help you design a detox protocol that fits your needs and your budget, to remove the biological poisons we are being bombarded with. Do not loose hope because there are solutions to save and protect your health.

Article Source: WHO & CDC Confirm: Variants Caused By Gene Deletion And Mutation – Ariyana Love

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