CDC, NIH, and every major medical institution still refuse to provide early outpatient treatment protocols

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The CDC, NIH, and every major medical institution still refuse to provide early outpatient treatment protocols for covid-19 patients.

Because Anthony Fauci and our medical institutions refuse to treat patients, hundreds of doctors from around the country have stepped in to fill the gap, and now offer telemedicine services for covid-19 treatment.

As we enter this winter season, one simple solution is for the elderly and the at-risk to find a doctor, locate a pharmacy, and stock up on medication in advance through these telemedicine services.

Considering almost half of US covid-19 deaths were in nursing homes, another life-saving precaution would be to set up monoclonal antibodies and other treatment options for friends and family in senior facilities.

It is also possible to load up on nutraceuticals in advance—vitamin c, vitamin d, zinc, and quercetin—are all available over the counter. Nearly 60 percent of patients with covid-19 were vitamin D deficient upon hospitalization.

Quercetin is an ionophore meaning that it facilitates zinc uptake in the cells. Zinc has repeatedly proven its efficacy against coronaviruses in study after study over the decades.

The key is early treatment so make sure that you have your preventative nutraceuticals and prescribed medications ready to go: flccc, aflds, myfreedoctor, and zstack (all links in article).

You cannot count on the big pharma controlled modern American medical system, but you can stock up now for December and January via one of these telemedicine services, and your decision to do so could save the life of a loved one.

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