What Mothers Should Know About COVID and COVID-19 Vaccine for Children

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Even though fathers are spending more time sharing the raising of children with mothers today, national surveys show that women with minor children still remain the primary childcare givers in America.The ones who usually take children to doctors, mothers are on the front line soon expected to make decisions about giving babies as young as six months old the new genetically engineered Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine when the FDA predictably approves it for emergency use this spring. 5

Public health officials want doctors to give the mRNA vaccine, which forces the body’s cells to manufacture the SARS-COV-2 spike protein, to the most vulnerable age group, the tiny babies and young children under five years old, whose immune systems and brains are not yet fully developed. It is an age group that mothers historically have been the most responsible for nurturing and protecting from harm.

Fastest Development and Mass Administration of An Experimental Vaccine in History

The targeting of infants and toddlers for COVID vaccination comes two years after the US government declared a coronavirus public health emergency in January 2020 10 and then gave Pfizer and six other drug companies $9 billion dollars to manufacture a coronavirus vaccine at warp speed. 11 Most vaccines take at least 10 years to go through the development and testing licensing process before being approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for distribution. 12 Pfizer spent just 248 days testing their experimental COVID vaccine using a never-before licensed technology, which injects synthetic mRNA encapsulated in lipid nanoparticles into the body to induce cells to make the SARS-COV-2 spike protein and become – in the words of the World Economic Forum – “vaccine production plants.” 13 14

In December 2020, the FDA granted Pfizer and its German corporation partner BioNTech, an Emergency Use Authorization – or EUA – to release the unlicensed mRNA vaccine for use by every person over 16 years old. 15 16 That EUA was quickly followed six months later by one for children as young as 12,17 then five months later with authorization for children as young as five. 18

It is the fastest development and mass administration of an experimental vaccine to healthy humans in history…

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