Was COVID-19 Caused by a Biological Virus or…

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…an mRNA Virus (modRNA Nanoparticles)?

December 20, 2023: Many influencers are stating that there was never a pandemic caused by a biological gain-of-function SARS-CoV-2 virus, but there was something that targeted select individuals and communities causing a range of symptoms from loss of taste and smell to severe respiratory infections and in some cases, cytokine storms or even massive blood clotting. Per my analysis, confirmed by Russian military General Igor Kirollov, COVID-19 and other ‘pandemics’ are caused by synthetic pathogens, or mRNA viruses that can be aerosolized, used to contaminate food, beverages, or surfaces, or…directly injected into a person’s bloodstream via ‘vaccination.’

May 16: 2023: (Originally published on December 15, 2022) To this day there is debate amongst medical freedom leaders and experts as to what caused the COVID-19 pandemic. Personally, I’ve invested many thousands of hours throughout 2021 and 2022, in reviewing documents such as EcoHealth’s Alliance pitch to DARPA, peer-reviewed publications regarding the ground zero attacks in China, Italy, and the US, scientific publications and manufacturer’s documents regarding nanoparticle technologies, Pfizer’s private and government contracts, dozens of patents, nanoparticle and SynBio forecasting reports, and reviewed many DARPA communications regarding the current and future applications of nanoparticle technologies.

In March of 2023, the Russian military issued a statement that COVID-19 and many other recent pandemics were caused by artificial pathogens or synthetic viruses. These artificial pathogens are mRNA nanoparticles, the same mRNA nanoparticle technologies found in the COVID-19 mRNA injections.

The Wellness Company is offering prescription medicine kits for acute infections, such as pneumonia or bronchitis.

On December 15, 2022, Stew Peters allowed me on his platform so that I could make the following statement in order to clearly articulate to concerned citizens how the mRNA nanoparticle technology caused COVID-19:

“Residents of Wuhan and other cities of China, Italy and the United States, were victims of a coordinated nanoparticle bioweapon attack, a bioweapon attack using the same nanoparticles that are in all COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. Most victims became infected with the nanoparticles via a direct aerosol attack, surface transmission, or food and beverage contamination.

US citizens should be horrified to learn that EcoHealth Alliance, the NIH, the DOD, and other departments within our US government refer to lipid nanoparticles (nanocarriers) as vaccine technology that can a deliver toxin, chemical weapon, and/or weapon of biowarfare.

The EcoHealth Alliance proposal to DARPA clearly identifies nanoparticle bioweapons as spike proteins, spike protein nanoparticles that are ‘bat vaccines.’ EcoHealth lays out the plan to ‘vaccinate’ residents of select Chinese cities as well as US residents with spike-protein nanoparticle bat-vaccines via aerosol attack, surface transmission, and food and beverage contamination. The purposes of the nanoparticle bat-vaccines are to suppress the human immune system while turning human beings into carriers of lethal diseases.

The DARPA proposal states that EcoHealth will ask the CDC to ‘vaccinate wild vampire bats’ in the United States. The US military will have an app so they can track the ‘vaccinated bats.’

There are three critical points that need to be stated regarding Wuhan, SARS-CoV-2, and COVID-19:

  • There weren’t mass COVID-19 deaths in 2020. Many people became ill, some became very ill, and some died, but 99.99% didn’t die. EcoHealth states that the point of the nanoparticle vaccines are to weaken the immune system so that animals (humans) can carry lethal viruses without dying from the viruses.
    • Most COVID-19 diagnoses in 2020 were diagnoses based on pure financial incentives and fraudulent.
  • COVID-19 is caused by an advanced nanoparticle bioweapon that uses mRNA technology to strategically deteriorate and destroy cardiovascular, neurological, immune and reproductive systems. COVID-19 is NOT caused by a virus, gain-of-function, wild-type or otherwise.
  • Lastly, the victims who were originally inoculated with the bioweapon in 2020 were not highly-contagious, if infectious at all. The first round of nanoparticle bioweapons did not contain mRNA codes. They were ‘empty rounds.’ There were also over 200 mRNA sequences of SARS-CoV-2 in early 2020. The virus was never isolated because multiple mRNA sequences were released. At ground zero, from the Wuhan Seafood Market, 9 patients who were sampled for the SARS-CoV-2 sequence, their sequences didn’t match. It’s scientifically impossible for a virus to mutate that quickly.
  • In regards to the injections, Sergeant Jason Murphy of the US Marines states in his letter that when victims are injected with mRNA nanoparticles that then directly enter into their blood streams, that in effect turns them into gain-of-function bioweapons labs capable of shedding and infecting others.

Details supporting these statements can be found in EcoHealth’s Alliance pitch to DARPA, and are substantiated by peer-reviewed publications regarding the ground zero attacks in China, Italy, and the US, as well as scientific publications and manufacturer’s documents regarding nanoparticle technology, including the patents.” 


Read full story here: Was COVID-19 Caused by a Biological Virus or an mRNA Virus (modRNA Nanoparticles)?

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