Two Toddlers, One Teen Now Dead After Receiving Experimental COVID-19 ‘Vaccine’

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According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a 15-year-old boy from Colorado died of a heart attack only two days after taking the Pfizer shot.

The case, listed in the database as VAERS ID 1242573, reveals that the 15-year-old boy was “vaccinated with Pfizer/Biontech” on April 18, 2021. He began to experience adverse reactions to the vaccine on April 19, 2021, and “died 04/20/2021, 2 days after vaccination.” The VAERS database also reveals that he had no other illnesses, no preexisting conditions, no known allergies, no birth defects, and no permanent disabilities. He merely died of “cardiac failure” exactly two days after receiving the controversial gene therapy being promoted as a ‘vaccine.’

Meanwhile, a few days later (VAERS) data showed two new deaths of infants, age one year old and two years old. The one-year-old baby boy from Florida took the Moderna shot and died two days later, after suffering convulsions and seizures. The two-year old little girl from Virginia took the Pfizer shot and died five days later.

While none of the COVID injections had emergency use authorization for children under the age of 17 at the time, there were ongoing trials with children being injected with the experimental shots as young as 6 months old.

The FDA recently granted emergency use authorization for the COVID-19 gene therapy masquerading as a ‘vaccine’ for children between the ages of 12 to 15 years of age.

Maine Governor Janet Mills, along with her commissioner of Health and Human Services, Jeanne Lambrew and Maine CDC Director, Dr. Nirav Shah all joined together to claim the so-called ‘vaccine’ is “safe and effective” and the Governor unveiled new incentive programs to entice people into taking the still experimental gene therapy disguised as a ‘vaccine’ by offering gift cards and other promotional items as an incentive to take the shot which, according to the FDA’s database has now killed around 4,000 Americans since the experiment began in the U.S. earlier this year.

It’s also important to note the irony that these three Maine officials who are promoting the ‘vaccine’ as a way to save lives belong to a political party that promotes and endorses the killing of unborn babies while still in their mothers’ wombs  (abortion).

The FDA’s “emergency use” authorization, which has been granted to Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson must not be confused with “approved.”  An “emergency use” authorization relies on studies conducted by the vaccine manufacturers alone and these fox guarding the chicken house-style tests are where the “safe and effective” slogans are derived from – not any independent, non-biased review by  disinterested third party researchers with no financial conflict of interest.  For a vaccine to be approved it has to go through an extensive safety test by the FDA, which can take years.

Article Source: Two Toddlers, One Teen Now Dead After Receiving Experimental COVID-19 ‘Vaccine’

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