The Way to Stop the Plan to Destroy America is to Stop It

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April 5, 2023: There is a plan to destroy this great nation founded under God, and it begins and ends with the removal of God and and Judeo-Christian values from our communities, schools and government. Americans have forgotten that their unalienable given rights are not granted to them by tyrannical men, but by God. By surrendering our rights during the ‘COVID-19 pandemic’, we have turned against the very foundation of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and against God’s laws; all under the guise of ‘social tolerance’ and ‘public health safety’.

Not only have we forgotten that we are a nation founded under God, we have turned away from our Creator who made us perfectly in His image. Over the past three years, America has embraced the ungodly celebration of transsexuality, promiscuity, and the sexual perversion of children. Instead of being obedient to Christ, we have been obedient to ‘follow the rules’, even if the rules subject our children to cruel psychological abuse and biological experimentation.

Like it or not, traitors in our country betted that America would abandon our founding Judeo-Christian principles, and, Oh boy! We did not disappoint!

Americans’ collective addiction to social media and our need to be ‘part of a group’ has brought our moral and social conduct down to an all-time low. ‘Our group’ is internationally recognized as the United States of America, has been actively participating in biowarfare by inflicting disease, disabilities and death on innocent children and adults with a known harmful biological agent.

I began sending my research and analysis to doctors, media outlets, influencers, and US Congress members in May of 2021. In an email I sent to some Congress, I clearly state…

**Read full story here: The Way to Stop the Plan to Destroy America is to Stop It

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