The Best Liars Compilation EVER

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In this video, Ivor Cummins shares a truly amazing compilation that proves we were all correct. It shows that those in power along with the mainstream media helped push a scientifically false agenda for years.

Despite governments across the globe pushing their vaccine agenda under the slogan ‘No one is safe, until we are all safe’ it was proven that over 99% of people who get the so-called COVID virus would survive with relatively few long term issues. This throw a massive wrench into the plans of the elite who soon began backpedalling.

The video also highlights the way people who chose not to be vaccinated were treated. From being called idiots to being refused basic healthcare as well as being vilified by the media, these people were terrorized. This is despite the true science showing that the vaccines didn’t stop people getting the virus or from spreading it, it also showed that natural immunity gave more protection than the vaccine.


Source: The Best Liars Compilation EVER | Principia Scientific Intl.

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