Texas – Japan – Pandemic Treaties and Greed

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January 29, 2024: Greg Hunter and I recently discussed several major US and global actions indicating both civilians and global leaders are waking up to the reality that pandemic health policies and COVID-19 mRNA injections were never about public health and safety, but rather a means to artificially induce new genetic diseases and create new multi-billion dollar markets.

As the attempt to continue the ridiculous narratives of the “threat of the next global pandemic” and the need for a global pandemic treaty is playing out, key players in this maniacal plan are starting to come undone.


While Greg and I always have a thought-provoking and dynamic discussion, this may be the first time I actually let out a few chuckles at the absolute absurdity and desperateness of the global elites latest attempt at world domination. You can watch the full interview on USAWatchdog.com or on Rumble.

Off the record, when Greg and I talked about how I couldn’t understand how so many experts got so many things about the COVID-19 science, policies, laws, and the mRNA injections epically wrong, Greg has often pointed me to Romans 1:22.

When they professed themselves to be wise, they became fools.

A panel of renowned Japanese scientists and doctors concur with Greg’s conclusions about the global medical community and experts who claimed the mRNA injections were safe and effective.

“Vaccines centers, they are like a cult. They fell into an infinite hell. Thinking that things can be understood with fragments of knowledge is a mistake.” Professor Emiritus Fukushima, Kyoto University

Why is neither the MSM nor the alternative media covering the Texas vs. Pfizer lawsuit? As Greg and I discuss, this is HUGE! The lawsuit is moving forward to trial and additional plaintiffs can join the suit up until May 15, 2024. The most powerful way to wake-up millions of consumers to the harmful (and sometimes lethal) effects of a product, is to launch a class action lawsuit.

We should be bombarded with news about Texas vs. Pfizer. Is it that experts don’t want to admit that they were wrong when they claimed that “Pfizer can’t be sued?” Not to quote Romans 1:22 again, but that seems foolish considering there are millions of lives at stake and billions of dollars could be won for the victims.

This was my favorite part of the interview. Greg and I go through line-by-line some of the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) request for help in responding to the amendments received from the African nations and the Group for Equity. Bill Gates even calls these other nations ‘selfish’ for not committing economic and national suicide by agreeing to the revised Pandemic treaty.

It says right on Pfizer’s website that they can use mRNA to edit (artificially mutate) the human genome and genetic mutations are the cause of 80% of genetic diseases

Greg and I do a deep dive on this topic, including a topline analysis of Pfizer’s products for myocarditis, neurological disease (demyelinating), and irregular menstrual bleeding.

There’s a lot of eye-opening, high-impact information packed into this 1-hour interview. Please share.

If the African nations and Group for Equity are brainstorming on ways to win in the WHO’s global profiteering game with governments, biotech companies, and NGOs (including GAVI and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation) that have domineering global powers, there is only one path to victory -DON’T PLAY. Exit the WHO.

Have you not discriminated among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts?

Listen, my dear brothers and sisters; has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love Him?  But you have dishonored the poor.

Is it not the rich who are exploiting you? Are they not the ones who are dragging you into court?


Source: Texas. Japan. Pandemic Treaties and Greed.

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