Stories about new coronavirus strain are just media fearmongering | The Liberty Loft

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Article Source: Stories about new coronavirus strain are just media fearmongering | The Liberty Loft

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Charlotte, NC — Before Christmas, there were reports about a new coronavirus strain in the UK. It was spreading rapidly in southern England and was suspected to be much more contagious than the first strain of the virus that was identified.

Then US media outlets began reporting that the virus was here, attempting to spread more fear as we head into the new year. First, it was in Colorado, then it was in California. Late in the day on Thursday, Florida became the third state to report that it had detected a case of this new strain.

Those who were identified to have the new strain of the virus in California and Florida had not traveled, showing the strain had been here for some time already. The first cases found in Colorado were similar, with no international travel for the members of the Colorado National Guard.

This brings me to the point. The mainstream media is setting off news alerts, writing multiple articles, and driving this story to Americans about the coronavirus. What is the point?

This is not the first time that a mutation of the coronavirus has been experienced. It was reported back in March that at least two strains of the virus had been detected. So why are they reporting so extensively on this now.

It is also completely common for viruses to mutate. It happens with nearly every virus that we are aware of, including the flu. We certainly do not feel the need to report so expansively over the mutating flu each year.

So we have to step back and look at the overall mission of the mainstream media. What are they trying to accomplish through the push to report this new coronavirus strain…

Read the full story here: Stories about new coronavirus strain are just media fearmongering | The Liberty Loft


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