Shocking WEF Video Suggests Euthanizing Seniors ‘For The Children’

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Just when you thought the elite scumbags at the World Economic Forum (WEF) run by Klaus Schwabb couldn’t get any worse, wait there’s more!

In the height of hypocrisy of “for the children” the WEF is now complaining about overpopulation and/or suggesting that older people consider euthanasia “for the children”.

In a video seen on Twitter full of geriatrics saying they’ve had a good life after explaining there are too many humans on the planet. The video suggests that elderly folks who no longer are productive should opt for euthanasia.

I’m certain children all over the world are thankful their grandparents will be suggested to off themselves for their benefit.

How have we allowed these people to get so far so fast to attack our most vulnerable?

40 plus years ago when they allowed abortion to kill the most innocent among us, many people said it would eventually end up terminating the elderly as well. There were lots of handwaving and dismissal of that argument.

However, 40-plus years on, we see that that is exactly what they are planning on doing. This, after a worldwide pandemic from a bioweapon produced by our government within China that targeted specifically, it seems, the elderly and infirm. They now want senior individuals who no longer “produce” enough to justify their life to opt for euthanasia.

Do you know what you can’t quantify when it comes to production by an elderly person? You cannot quantify the knowledge that they have acquired over a lifetime. You can’t quantify the cookies they bake and give to the neighborhood children every summer.

You can’t quantify how much a grandmother does by watching her grandchildren so that her single daughter can produce money to take care of those children. You can’t quantify the number of times they call their adult daughter or son and ask if they’re OK.

You can’t quantify the number of hours that they volunteer at the hospital directing people and helping people to their cars. You can’t quantify how many hours they spent handing out food at a food bank.

You can’t quantify the number of Christmases and how productive that was for their family due to a boost in morale. You can’t quantify the production of an elderly person because most of their production is done outside of the economy.

By discounting the things that they do because they aren’t paid a dollar for it, you are discounting humanity completely.

It is an inhumane and unjust, disgusting affront to humanity that the WEF doesn’t value our seniors, who no longer earn a paycheck but still contribute to the greater economy in ways that can’t be counted.

h/t Joe O.

Source: Shocking WEF Video Suggests Euthanizing Seniors ‘For The Children’ | Principia Scientific Intl.

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