Sequencing of the Covid virus – never been done!

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It is generally accepted now that the virus SARS-COV-2 has not been isolated. But unfortunately, virologists and medical experts still believe in it and make false claims.

Their view on virus existence and/or isolation is described as follows (from the Reuters Fact Check team – link):

“There are numerous examples of scientists isolating SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID -19, and sequencing its genome.

The argument about purification relates to 19th Century microbiological theory that does not apply to viruses.

The novel coronavirus has been proven to exist and has caused millions of deaths worldwide.”

If one reads the sentence carefully, “The argument about purification relates to 19th Century microbiological theory that does not apply to viruses,” it means they do not believe in standard (old fashion) purification of things and do not have the (purified) virus.

That is, there is no isolated virus available. Therefore, the non-existence of the virus has been accepted indirectly.

On the other hand, experts claim that the virus’s existence (“novel coronavirus has been proven to exist”) is based on the sequencing of virus RNA.

What is sequencing?

“The genome (i.e., RNA) sequence of a virus is the sequence or order of bases or letters (representing nucleotides) that makes up a virus’s genetic material or its genome.

If you were to write down the genome sequence of a particular coronavirus, it would be a series of about 30,000 letters.” (link).

RNAs, DNAs, genes, genomes, etc., are represented by four chemical compounds (nucleotides, or bases); adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine (or uracil). They are abbreviated by four alphabet letters ACGT (or ACGU).

Sequencing means learning or determining (experimentally) the exact sequence (order) of the building blocks (the letters) that make up all RNA molecules. It means one has to have an RNA, and its sequence is determined by chopping (the nucleotides) piece by piece.

However, as described above, the virus is not available, and its RNA cannot be available either.

Therefore, sequencing is not possible.

Hence, sequencing of the virus or its RNA has never been done.

Saying it otherwise is incorrect and deceptive.

What is being done is assembling/building short nucleic acid chains (opposite of sequencing) based on a pre-conceived template (called primers).

The obtained short chains are then extended to longer chains using computer software and modeling, naming them as RNAs of the viruses or their variants.

The technical name of this process is PCR or Polymerase Chain Reaction.

It is like, one is given some beads of four colors and asked to build imaginary necklaces.

Then, the experts assemble necklaces, name them viruses or variants, and call this assembly step (incorrectly) sequencing!

Therefore, claims of RNA sequencing are scientifically inaccurate, and actual sequencing has never been done.

See more here


*Source: Sequencing of the Covid virus – never been done! | Principia Scientific Intl.

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