Sarasota Florida School Board – Dad tells it like it is! BOOM!

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This a pissed off dad (I think they are saying Martin Hyde) speaking to the Sarasota Florida school board about the tyranny and utter disgust of their positions.

A few comments made on video:

  • To the board member that complained about his tone, it was perfectly appropriate for addressing a bunch of petty tyrants, dripping with arrogance, who think they are above the law, above the facts, and rule children over their parents.
  • God Bless you!!!! We need more of this at ALL local school boards and local government meetings!!!
  • AMEN!! Thank you for standing up for our children in America.
  • This guy is the man!!! Need more parents standing up to this tyranny!!!
  • Often people from the outside understand the importance of America and to what critical degree our freedoms are in jeopardy, more than we who have been born here and have been seduced into a passive silence. This spirit needs to catch on big time. Mass non-compliance is the only way to stop this evil madness.
  • The “stink” in the voice protesting the volume is well evident.
  • Petty tyrants think they can run our lives


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