Russian MoD Confirms mRNA Injections Are Bioweapons

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In the past week, we saw a huge announcement by the Russian MoD confirming mRNA injections are a bioweapon.

The Russian MoD confirmed their intelligence coincides with the findings of Karen Kingston and Project Veritas, implicating the U.S. government, Pfizer, Ukraine, and governments worldwide! Karen Kingston brings more evidence to back these claims, as well as never before seen research confirming the globalist plans to control the world through nanotechnology.

The Russian Chief of Nuclear and Bio-Warfare Programme is citing Kingston’s analysis on how to criminally prosecute Pfizer for developing, deploying and falsely promoting bioweapons. This is a surprise to many including Kingston as her analysis has been largely ignored by those in power and this is part of the effort to divert attention from the bioweapons programmes that have been going on.

This is a small part of a larger problem as the Ukraine have been experimenting on people in biolabs which were recently destroyed. These experiments have been linked to Australia and those in power as they have shipped and invoiced blood serum samples from the Ukraine. There is so much evidence that suggests that the United States Government among others are involved in this.

It is clear that these mRNA injections are bioweapons, but we have to remember that the Pfizer contract is written in a way where Pfizer is working independent of the US Military. They even cite the FDA law they must adhere to, to ensure the product was safe and effective. However, their prototype inventory became an FDA authorised product and even when bound to adhere to these laws they shown that they have no regard for these laws or the protection and safety of the general public.

Source: Russian MoD Confirms mRNA Injections Are Bioweapons | Principia Scientific Intl.

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