Resources for fighting mandates against COVID injections, masks, COVID tests – LifeSite

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(Kathy Dopp) – Editor’s note: Below is a series of articles, studies, resources, letter templates and papers regarding the fight against vaccine mandates and COVID-19 restrictions, as compiled by Kathy Dopp.

Resources for students

  1. Resources for Students from Make Americans Free Again. Massachusetts Stand Up Chapter provides links to resources regarding COVID “vaccines,” testing, and masks.
  2. PERK Campaigns Right to Refuse. National RIGHT TO REFUSE. “We have carefully designed document templates to support your Right to Refuse. You may use these to protect your rights, empower your knowledge, or notify your employer or school officials of the laws and regulations that protect you.”
  3. Useful video (14 mins. skip the first 5 – 7 mins): Which is better: A medical exemption or religious exemption?? Note this advice from an attorney for a response for if your employer/school questions your religious exemption: “Our religious beliefs evolve as we grow spiritually and in our knowledge and understanding of the nature of things around us. Article II of the Massachusetts [look up your own state’s Constitution re. religious freedom] Constitution explicitly covers the freedom to choose “worshipping God in the manner and season most agreeable to the dictates of his own conscience” as a fundamental human right protected by the Constitution. In other words, my religious beliefs are not subject to evaluation, validation, debate or judgement by anyone else – it’s a matter between my Creator and I.”
  4. Students can find exemption forms HERE and HERE as well as information on the dangers of mandatory vaccination amongst student bodies.
  5. Find HERE a form for students attending colleges or universities requiring Covid-19 injections. In the U.S., the provisions of the 2005 Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act and a February 2020 declaration by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) mean that pharmaceutical companies cannot be held liable for injuries or deaths caused by the COVID-19 injections. However, other institutions and individuals can be held liable. This form is designed as a tool that students and their families can use to provide this critical information to colleges and universities, and to insist on a signature from the school’s representative that holds the college or university liable if the student should decide to accept the required experimental COVID-19 injection.

 Fighting illegal mandatory COVID EUA vaccine mandates

  1. CDC not mandating its employees to be vaccinated. August 7, 2021.
  2. Find the Military exemption to the mandatory vaccine HERE.
  3. Defending the Republic is providing a push back against Mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations. See HERE for the liability document they have drawn up, as well as HERE for an exemption form for Protestants, and HERE for Catholics.
  4. UK: Awakened Worldis assisting Care Home staff who do not wish to be injected, and have provided downloadable Letters to Care Home Employerand Explanatory Notes.
  5. Meanwhile, censorhip free social media outlet Gab have provided religious exemption documents HERE.
  6. America’s Frontline Doctors HERE provide large amounts of information about the experimental injection, as well as forms, templates and legal suits relating to exemptions from the drug.
  7. COVID Legal USA is a paralegal and legal writing firm that assists pro se litigants with document preparation, navigational instructions through the complex U.S. legal system, and acts as your ally and comrade in this war on personal freedoms and liberty. Legal assistance and document preparation for self-represented litigants
  8. Go to myfreedoctor.comand follow instructions to download the app, where one can consult and request a medical exemption.
  9. The American Association of Physicians and Surgeons has provided a religious exemption form to deal with hospital vaccine mandates.
  10. Listed here are a number of resources dealing with dropping the mandates, providing exemption requests and letter templates, from both a legal and religious standpoint.
  11. The Healthy American has also compiled a religious exemption letter and information to assist people in their task. The site also provides guidance on rejecting the vaccine, obtaining a religious exemption from it for college, and guidance for exemptions from mask mandates.
  12. So also has Health Freedom Defense, as on their website one can find information and legal advice about both vaccines and face masks.
  13. letter to Virginia colleges and universitiesfrom the William J. Olson law firm in Vienna, VA requests a commitment to assume financial liability for death, disability, or illness of students being required to take the COVID-19 inoculation. Those who coerce students or employees to receive it might not be immune from product liability.
  14. A suggested letter is found HERE to send to those ordering and/or administering COVID “vaccines,” to require them to sign and adhere to prior to vaccination. (CDC, legislature, “health” agency recommendations are NOT “science-based.”)
  15. Take Action Canada have produced resources HERE, including a letter of potential liability, which is a reminder to all healthcare workers and their institutions about their ethical and legal obligations that fall under “Informed Consent.” Informed Consent is an essential component of human rights, which are protected by UNESCO Universal Declaration of Bioethics and Human Rights (5). Canada is a signatory to this declaration. COVID injections are currently in PHASE III of clinical trials. The investigational status of these injections compels those who are administering the vaccine to comply with the processes associated with research on humans outlined in the Universal Directives such as the Nuremberg Code and the Helsinki Declarations.
  16. Dr. Frances Boyle PhD, JD is a professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law who specializes in the Nuremberg Code and bioweapons law. He helped author an international bioweapons treaty: the Biological Weapons Anti-terrorism Act of 1989. He believes the COVID-19 vaccines are bioweapons. He has put together a notice of refusal to either receive or administer COVID-19 vaccines for people being pressured to do so by schools or employers, as well as healthcare professionals who do not want to administer these injections. He recommends giving this notice to your employer or school first, then contacting a lawyer.[Note: His information re. OSHA’s position may be out-dated.]
  17. Robert Barnes is a constitutional attorney who explains in detail how employers are setting themselves up for liability and litigation by mandating these vaccines in this video. Here is a COVID-19 vaccine refusal letter Robert Barnes wrotewhich one can copy and paste into one’s own document.
  18. How to strategically overcome the pressure to get a COVID vaccine: Here is a sample letter from an attorney citing actual law in this lettersent to universities currently trying to mandate the COVID shot.
  19. Legal Brief: All U.S. Employees Are Protected From Mandated COVID Injections. May 21, 2021. A legal memo from Liberty Counsel Action is suitable for print and distribution to employers of all sizes, in order to protect employee rights under American law. Forced mandates are illegal. Discrimination against the non-vaccinated is also illegal.
  20. On August 11, 2021, “YouTube suspended Senator Rand Paul, who is a physician, after his “they can’t arrest all of us” video.

Fighting illegal mandatory EUA testing mandates

Find HERE Children’s Health Defense notice regarding EUA testing for COVID-19, and HERE, a notice to employers regarding the illegality of mandatory testing from Health Freedom Defense Fund.

Fighting illegal mandatory EUA mask mandates

Find HERE, resources from America’s Frontline Doctors, as well as resources from Health Freedom Defense Fund, andChildren’s Health Defense.

Reprinted with permission from Kathy Dopp.

Article Source: Resources for fighting mandates against COVID injections, masks, COVID tests – LifeSite

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