(POLL) 24% say they want Covid-19 vaccine or have already had it

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Seventy-five percent (75%) of more than 3,100 people who took part in the latest unscientific poll at SharylAttkisson.com say they have not already had and do not want the Covid-19 vaccine.

Twenty-four percent (24%) say they want or have already had it. Separately, according to CDC, 37.8% of the total U.S. population has been fully vaccinated.

Read the full results below. Meantime, be sure and vote in our latest poll at SharylAttkisson.com on the home page. Look for the black box in the right sidebar or scroll way down on the mobile site!

Do you want or have you already had Covid-19 vaccine?

24% Yes

75% No

1% Not sure

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Article Source: (POLL) 24% say they want Covid-19 vaccine or have already had it | Sharyl Attkisson

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