Phasing Out Oil — or America?

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DUBAI — Under the guise of saving the world from alleged man-made global warming, governments and tyrants at the UN COP28 “climate” summit last month agreed to “transition” away from fossil fuels. But don’t believe the hype from the establishment media from the UN summit about a looming “phaseout” or “phase down” of hydrocarbon energy. What is really happening is a planned phaseout of the United States and the broader Western world — what used to be known as Christendom or the “Free World” — as the UN and Western leaders work to usher in what they describe as a new “multipolar” world order.

The reality of this planned phaseout of the Free World and the principles that gave birth to Christian civilization should have been clear to everyone. Several U.S. senators at the summit, including Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) and Tom Carper (D-Del.), were asked by The New American about the absurdity of having the U.S. government commit economic suicide to “save the climate” even as the regime ruling Communist China keeps building coal-fired power plants at an unprecedented rate. Unfortunately for Americans, the senators had few answers other than simply insisting that Beijing should follow suit after the United States jumps off the cliff into economic oblivion. Everyone — including their Deep State allies in the West pushing the agenda — knows the Chinese Communists have no intention of following suit.

Throughout the COP28 “climate” summit, the Biden administration and Western governments pledged ever-more suicidal energy policies and draconian wealth redistribution from the middle class under the guise of saving the planet. Among the many announcements was a “bold executive action” by the Biden administration on December 2 building on “more than 100 actions” taken by federal agencies in 2023 to reduce methane, the White House said. Speaking at COP28, U.S. National Climate Advisor Ali Zaidi and EPA boss Michael Regan announced EPA “final standards” to “sharply reduce methane emissions from oil and gas operations.”

According to an analysis of the pledges by FreedomWorks chief economist Stephen Moore, just the Biden administration’s latest methane promises — pledges that he said amount to “a de facto ban on natural-gas power plants” — will take out upwards of 60 percent of American electric power generation. “Biden is playing a dangerous game of unilateral energy disarmament,” Moore explained, saying the move could “destroy the 21st century American industrial economy” as it presently exists. “If he has his way, we will jump off the cliff first in the naïve hope that China, India, Russia and Europe are right behind us.”

Arabs & Chinese Communists Make Oil Deals

But of course, Beijing, Moscow, and the other regimes playing along with the “climate” charade have no intention of jumping off the cliff after Western governments. In fact, in a series of leaked documents highlighted by the state-owned British broadcaster BBC and other international media, officials from the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Communist China, and other countries were exposed planning to make oil and gas deals at the UN summit. The head of the state-run Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC), Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, actually served as president of whole UN climate summit, giving Emirati officials myriad opportunities to ink hydrocarbon deals.

According to the documents prepared by UAE’s COP28 team ahead of the summit, obtained by the “Centre for Climate Reporting” working alongside the BBC, officials had “talking points” outlining some of the proposed energy dealing. For instance, one said ADNOC was hoping to “jointly evaluate international LNG [liquefied natural gas] opportunities” with Communist China in Africa and beyond. “Chinese companies are among our most strategic partners,” explained the official UAE negotiating document that was leaked, noting that ADNOC did oil and gas sales of $15 billion with the CCP over the last year.

The Arab effort to launch new hydrocarbon projects was not just aimed at courting Beijing, which is building coal-fired power plants at an unprecedented pace and already emits drastically more COthan the entire Western world combined. The UAE negotiators were also hoping to meet with more than 25 other governments on oil and gas deals, according to the documents. ADNOC “stands ready” to help Colombian authorities develop their nation’s “fossil fuel” resources, the documents revealed. Al Jaber was also supposed to ask Brazilian officials for help “securing alignment and endorsement” in ADNOC’s bid to buy Latin America’s largest oil and gas processing company. The talking points called on the COP28 president to tell officials from Saudi Arabia and Venezuela — two of the most oil-rich nations in the world — that “there is no conflict between the sustainable development of any country’s natural resources and its commitment to climate change.”

The news about the deals was spun by the establishment press to portray the UAE government hosting the climate talks in a negative light. Speaking to the BBC, which broke the story, “climate” policy expert Professor Michael Jacobs of the University of Sheffield said the revelations showed that the COP28 leadership’s actions were “breathtakingly” hypocritical. “I actually think it’s worse than that, because the UAE at the moment is the custodian of a United Nations process aimed at reducing global emissions,” continued Jacobs. “And yet, in the very same meetings where it’s apparently trying to pursue that goal, it’s actually trying to do side deals which will increase global emissions.”

But the real significance of the scandal was lost in the press. The real issue: Anti-energy hysteria and fraudulent solutions such as solar panels and wind turbines are being peddled by the UN and the establishment media to Western populations. More importantly, the anti-energy propaganda and policies are a tool for undermining the economies of Western nations, namely those of Europe and the United States. Communist China and other autocracies, whose emissions are all soaring with no end in sight, will continue increasing their CO2 emissions while absorbing the productive capacity being shut down in what used to be the Free World.


Source: Phasing Out Oil — or America? – by Alex Newman

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