Part 11: The Database Dr. Anthony Fauci Doesn’t Want You to Know About

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When it comes to the accountability of how the billions of dollars of NIAID grants are spent each year, the buck stops with Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Per the National Institute of Health (NIH) website, Dr. Anthony Fauci is the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, (NIAID Director).

As the NIAID Director,Dr. Fauci oversees an extensive portfolio of research for HIV/AIDS, respiratory infections, diarrheal diseases, tuberculosis and malaria as well as emerging diseases such as Ebola and Zika. Dr. Fauci’s NIAID budget for 2022 is approximately $6.3 billion.


Dr. Fauci has been funding ‘gain-of-function coronavirus’ research for decades and continues to do so. Fauci paid EcoHealth Alliance, Peter Daszack, $4,402,107 for ‘gain-of-function bat coronavirus’ research between 2014 and 2022.


Fauci’s most recent grant to Daszak for ‘gain-of-function bat coronavirus’ research was on September 21, 2022 for over $650,000.


In 2022 alone, Fauci paid Daszak over$2.1 million for ‘gain-of-function research’ out of Southeast Asia.


The abstract for the research titled, Analyzing the Potential for Future Bat Coronavirus Emergence, states that EcoHealth Alliance is going to sample the genetic sequences of viruses from bats via PCR, use artificial intelligence (machine learning) and mRNA technology to create humanized versions of the viruses. (Wait…it gets worse) and then create 27 ‘prototype pathogen vaccines’ that will contain the weaponized Ai-mRNA created gain-of-function viral bioweapons (pathogens).


Peter Daszak’s statements regarding Public Health Relevance for EcoHealth’s NIAID-funded wild-life virus research are almost comical, such as,

Most pandemics are caused by animal-origin viruses that emerge in regions where people have high contact with wildlife…” – Peter Daszak, referring to scientists in his GOF labs as ‘regions’ where people have high contact with wildlife.

Or, “The project seeks to understand what factors allow coronaviruses to evolve and jump into the human population.


First let’s address Daszak’s concern about where people could possibly have high contact with wildlife that causes a zoonic coronavirus to jump from animals to humans. The most obvious answer is in Fauci-funded biolabs where Daszak and his co-conspirator scientists are creating mRNA gain-of-function viruses merged with Aibioweapons.

What are the factors that allow coronaviruses to jump from animals to humans? The only factor that allows coronaviruses to jump from animals to humans is the fact that Fauci funds the research to merge mRNA genetic sequences from mammals, reptiles, sea life, and insects with Ai and inorganic life forms.These pathogenic life forms are then encapsulated in lipid nanotechnology to inoculate humans via a ‘vaccine’ or other method such as aerosol, surface, or food contamination. Case solved Holmes.

I reported on much of this research (excluding the EcoHealth 2022 grant) on the Stew Peters Show on January 14, 2022. How are these criminals not arrested and this research not shut down already?

If you’re interested in finding additional Fauci-funded grants for crimes against humanity research, the rest of this article is a step-by-step tutorial on how to do it.

The case study we’ll walk through is the $51 million Fauci paid himself to weaponize HIV1 glycoprotein (GP) 120, as part of the mRNA for SARs-CoV-2 for the production of the WIV1 spike protein. I have found that the funding of HIV mRNA research for coronaviruses goes back as far as 2004.


*Source: Part 11: The Database Dr. Anthony Fauci Doesn’t Want You to Know About

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