Parents protest medicalized gender-transitioning of kids

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Article Source: Parents protest medicalized gender-transitioning of kids – The Christian Post

Parents protest gender-transitioning children outside Children’s Hospital Los Angeles on Monday, December 28, 2020. | Courtesy of Los Angeles parents

Devastated Los Angeles-area parents of trans-identifying teenagers are raising awareness about the experimental hormone treatments and medicalized gender-transitioning of minors by protesting outside a children’s hospital where it is happening.

The parents, who have been contributing to a recent effort putting up billboards advertising journalist Abigail Shrier’s book, Irreversible Damage, which scrutinizes why so many teenage girls have come to believe that they are transgender — one of which was taken down after having only been up for a day and a half amid community pressure — protested outside of Children’s Hospital Los Angeles Monday, holding signs objecting to transgender medical interventions in youth. CHLA is home to one of the largest youth gender clinics in the country.

Among the messages on the signs were: “No child is born in the wrong body,” “Stop transing gay kids,” “Children cannot consent to puberty blockers,” and “Gender non-conforming teens need love — not mastectomies.”

Another sign read “Who is Keira Bell?” given the sparse U.S. media coverage of a young British woman who once identified as transgender and recently won in court in the U.K. in a judicial review against the Tavistock gender clinic in London, the medical facility where Bell underwent chemical puberty blockade and cross-sex hormones during her teen years. Bell, now 23, argued her body was irreparably harmed by the medical practices and is possibly sterilized, and that she was incapable of giving informed consent as a minor to the risky, experimental practices.

Two mothers who attended the protest, both of whom spoke on condition of anonymity with The Christian Post on Wednesday and have teenaged sons who have come to believe they are female, said they were blindsided by this in recent years, having known next to nothing about transgenderism previously. Their sons came to this conclusion about their identities in part because of school lessons about gender identity in sex ed classes and in anti-bullying…

Read the full story here: Parents protest medicalized gender-transitioning of kids – The Christian Post

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