NO SURPRISE: The CDC LIED about vaccination rates in America, investigation shows

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According to the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), just 8 percent of the country remains completely unvaccinated for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) – the other 92 percent, we are told, have taken at least one shot. According to an independent report from Northeastern University, however, the CDC’s figures are a lie.

In reality, one in four Americans, or 25 percent, remain fully unvaccinated for the Chinese Virus. And if you believe surveys taken by Zogby and Rasmussen, the percentage of unvaccinated Americans is closer to 33 percent.

“This agrees separately with a Kaiser Family Foundation report,” writes Dr. Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH, about the independent data showing that a much larger percentage of Americans are unvaccinated than what the CDC is claiming.

“Apparently the CDC vaccination administration system is not accurately identifying each person by a unique identifier and linking each injection to that code. Therefore, if a patient does not have the prior vaccine card or goes to a different vaccines center with slightly different name spelling, then the encounter is counted as a brand new person coming forward. This is leading to double-counting of ‘vaccinated’ in CDC records.”

(Related: Even the tampered-with death toll numbers the CDC has released show that covid injections are the deadliest “vaccines” to ever be unleashed.)

Don’t let the powers that be bully you for being unvaccinated – you’re hardly alone!

It is quite convenient, is it not, for the CDC’s vaccination rate figures to be vastly overinflated? After all, the private corporation posing as a federal public health agency would love for everyone to believe that only a tiny sliver of the American population still has natural immunity.

The smaller the minority of unvaccinated, the easier they are to bully. This is probably the goal of the CDC, to make it appear as though nearly everyone is injected, which will in turn make it easier for forced vaccination protocols to stick.

“These findings give new hope to the unvaccinated that they are not alone in holding strong against the adverse safety profile of the COVID-19 vaccines and standing up for the preservation of good health and the right to decide what is injected into their bodies,” McCullough says.

One of McCullough’s subscribers emphasized the fact that even if only 75 percent of the country is “fully vaccinated,” this is still a “horrendous crime” against humanity that should not go unpunished.

“Another hopeful sign is that a lot of the ‘vaxxed’ seem embarrassed to admit it,” commented another, to which someone else wrote that he knows several people who got the double-dose of mRNA (messenger RNA) injections and were initially proud about it, but today are embarrassed about it and say they only agreed to get jabbed “under duress.”

“No doubt the CDC didn’t accidentally overcount the percentage of people who took the toxic injections,” wrote another, skeptical of the CDC’s politically convenient oversight of the real data.

“Like the rest of the mis-, mal-, and dis-information they and other government actors publish, the false injection uptake data probably is simply more propaganda intended to isolate independent thinkers who haven’t submitted to the Covid tyranny.”

Another person who got vaccinated and now regrets it interjected that she is not embarrassed so much as she is “enraged that we were lied to and our ‘care for other humans’ was taken advantage of (sorry for the hanging participle).”

“Never again,” this person concluded.


**Source: NO SURPRISE: The CDC LIED about vaccination rates in America, investigation shows –

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