Global Powers – 1,000 Private Jets Will Assemble In Davos To Execute The Great Reset

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Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy, is a Utopian myth that will not “save the world” but rather destroy it. Its cracked policies have been noted for at least 30 years and the fruit of destruction is all around us. If successful, their dream that “You will own nothing” will not bring happiness, but rather homelessness. ⁃ TN Editor


> The wealthy elite travel to the World Economic Forum’s annual meetings via a “steady stream” of private planes and helicopters to discuss issues like global sustainability

> By 2050, it’s estimated that aviation will contribute 22% of global carbon emissions; still, in 2019, more than 600 private planes arrived at the Davos Forum, and that doesn’t include the military planes that transported an additional 60 presidents and prime ministers

> Jet-setters are carbon super-emitters; the idea that the elite can continue to pollute but simply purchase carbon credits to “offset” their pollution is a matter of smoke and mirrors

> WEF and its partners are using the COVID-19 pandemic as “a unique window of opportunity” to rapidly usher in The Great Reset, which involves changing everything from future global relations and the direction of national economies to “the priorities of societies, the nature of business models and the management of a global commons”

> Part of the plan involves ushering in stakeholder capitalism, in which private corporations — not elected leaders — become “trustees of society,” putting your privacy and data, your food and your freedom at risk

At the start of each year, the world’s elite hop into their private jets and descend upon Davos, Switzerland, a city prized not only for its luxury ski resorts but also for hosting the World Economic Forum (WEF) annual meeting.

Also known as the Davos Forum, the event takes on a different theme each year, providing a global platform for business leaders, government officials, academia and other members of society to discuss “critical issues.”1 WEF is one of the key players behind The Great Reset, with their “new normal” dictum that, by 2030, you will own nothing and be happy.2

In such a scheme, the world’s resources will be owned and controlled by the technocratic elite. All items and resources are to be used by the collective, while actual ownership is restricted to an upper stratum of social class. Just how “upper class”?

To even attend the WEF annual meeting, you must be privately invited or a member of WEF, which costs $60,000 to $600,000. The attendance badge for the meeting is extra and costs another $27,000 in 2020, just to get entrance to the conference.3

Arriving on Private Jets to Discuss Sustainability

The irony was palpable at Davos 2020, which brought in a “steady stream” of private planes and helicopters so their passengers could discuss the climate crisis and sustainability.4 In 2018, more than 1,000 private jets and helicopters similarly made their way to Davos and, in 2017, an estimated 200 private flights landed in the city each day during the event.5

By 2050, it’s estimated that aviation will contribute 22% of global carbon emissions. Still, in 2019, more than 600 private planes arrived at the Davos Forum, and that doesn’t include the military planes that transported an additional 60 presidents and prime ministers.6

But we needn’t worry about this indulgence of the upper classes at the expense of the environment, according to WEF. “Offering little self-awareness, leaders of the WEF claim that the jet-set class promises to purchase carbon credits to offset the emissions from their planes,” Forbes noted. This is yet another strategy of the technocratic elite to…

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See also: Glasgow, COP26, World Economic Forum, Great Reset

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