Moderna had a Covid ‘Vaccine’ in 2019

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Whilst you were distracted by Russia’s invasion, you may have missed the evidence showing Moderna had a Covid Vaccine in 2019; and they helped to create Covid-19 in a Lab

A confidentiality agreement shows potential coronavirus vaccine candidates were transferred from Moderna to the University of North Carolina in 2019, nineteen days prior to the emergence of the alleged Covid-19 causing virus in Wuhan, China.

And now further evidence suggests the American pharmaceutical and biotechnology company that has made billions through the sale of said experimental injection, is actually responsible for creating the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

The confidentially agreement which can be viewed here states that providers ‘Moderna’ alongside the ‘National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases’ (NIAID) agreed to tranfer ‘mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidates’ developed and jointly-owned by NIAID and Moderna to recipients ‘The Universisty of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’ on the 12th December 2019.


The material transfer agreement was signed the December 12th 2019 by Ralph Baric, PhD, at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and then signed by Jacqueline Quay, Director of Licensing and Innovation Support at the University of North Carolina on December 16th 2019.


The agreement was also signed by two representatives of the NIAID, one of whom was Amy F. Petrik PhD, a technology transfer specialist who signed the agreement on December 12th 2019 at 8:05 am. The other signatory was Barney Graham MD PhD, an investigator for the NIAID, however this signature was not dated.


The final signatories on the agreement were Sunny Himansu, Moderna’s Investigator, and Shaun Ryan, Moderna’s Deputy General Councel. Both signautres were made on December 17th 2019.


All of these signatures were made prior to any knowledge of the alleged emergence of the novel coronavirus. It wasn’t until December 31st 2019 that the World Health Organisation (WHO) became aware of an alleged cluster of viral pneumonia cases in Wuhan, China. But even at this point they had not determined that an alleged new coronavirus was to blame, instead stating the pneumonia was of “unknown cause”.


It was not until January 9th 2020 that the WHO reported Chinese authorities had determined the outbreak was due to a novel coronavirus which later became known as SARS-CoV-2 with the alleged resultant disease dubbed COVID-19. So why was an mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidate developed by Moderna being transferred to the University of North Carolina on December 12th 2019?

The same Moderna that have had an mRNA coronavirus vaccine authorised for emergency use only in both the United Kingdom and United States to allegedly combat Covid-19.

What did Moderna know that we didn’t? In 2019 there was not any singular coronavirus posing a threat to humanity which would warrant a vaccine, and to be honest, the evidence suggests there hasn’t actually been a singular coronavirus posing a threat to humanity throughout 2020, 2021, or 2022 either.

Could it have something to do with the fact that Moderna may actually be responsible for creating the Covid-19 virus?

On February 23 the Daily Mail ran an article showing that Moderna has patented the 19 base letter (nucleotide) sequence which codes for the Furin Cleavage site in Covid-19.


They cited a Paper by Scientists in India, Switzerland, Italy and the US (cautiously entitled: MSH3 Homology and Potential Recombination Link to SARS-CoV-2 Furin Cleavage Site) in which they calculated that the chances of a 19 nucleotide sequence patented by Moderna randomly appearing in Covid-19 in circumstances where it does not appear anywhere else in nature are 1 in 3 trillion.

However, research shows that Moderna did not merely apply for a patent on 2016 February 4 with US9587003B2: as reported in the Daily Mail. They actually applied on 2013 December 16th for 4 patents with US9149506B2, US9216205B2, US9255129B2, US9301993B2,as well.

So in effect, Moderna had developed the 19 nucleotide gene sequence containing the Furin Cleavage Site which gives Covid-19 its infectivity to humans by patented gain of function research as early as 2013, 6 years before the Wuhan outbreak took place. Not 3 years, as reported in the Mail and virally elsewhere.

The final codon completed inserted gene sequence, ‘CTCCTCGGCGGGCA’, patented by Moderna, does not exist in natural viruses and neither does the CGG coded Furin Cleavage site CCTCGGCGGGCACGT.

But they do exist naturally in bacteria and in humans and in cows and in plants. Viruses can invade bacteria and insert their genes into the them. But bacteria cannot insert their genes into viruses. Nature has had plenty of opportunity to put them into viruses and has refused to do so.

Therefore, the only way for bacterial DNA to end up in a virus is by human intervention. So the Covid-19 virus must have been man made.

We published two previous articles on this subject in March 2022 that contain much more scientific detail on the subject at hand. You can read Part One here, and Part Two here. Part Two contains the complete method of using the BLAST database for you to fact check this for yourself.

So there you have it.

All evidence points to the fact that the Covid-19 virus is man made, and now further evidence suggests Moderna is responsible for creating the virus.

Which is most likely why they were able to produce a Coronavirus vaccine candidate before Covid-19 was even known to publicly exist, and it looks like Bill Gates may have even been in on the act.

Moderna confirmed in 2016 that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation had granted them $20 million to support their “initial project related to the evaluation of antibody combinations in a preclinical setting as well as the conduct of a first-in-human Phase 1 clinical trial of a potential mRNA medicine”.


But Moderna also reveal that the framework agreement they made with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation could bring the total funding up to $100 million for “follow-on projects” that are proposed to and approved by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation up to 2022, and the terms of this agreement stipulate that Moderna are obliged to grant the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation certain non-exclusive licenses.

A Non-Exclusive Licence grants the licensee the right to use the intellectual property, but means that the licensor remains free to exploit the same intellectual property and to allow any number of other licensees to also exploit the same intellectual property.

Therefore under the terms of the agreement made with Moderna, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation have now been granted a non-exclusive license to the Moderna mRNA Covid-19 injection, and are therefore profiting from its use.

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Source: Moderna had a Covid ‘Vaccine’ in 2019 | Principia Scientific Intl.

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