Military- It’s Time to Stand Up and Say No to Masks

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My name is Cristina Field, and I am an airline pilot, mom, and until recently, military spouse. I started an Instagram account in early 2021 to raise awareness around the harms of mask-wearing, and I questioned if the airlines, the unions, and the FAA did proper risk assessment for their wearing. I joined 9 other pilots in a suit against the CDC and the masks. I am the social media manager for US Freedom Flyers. I knew in 2020 that the masks do not prevent transmission of Covid, but they do a great job of breaking the spirit of the wearer.

I’ve dealt with doxxing and harassment throughout the last 3 years. It was with a morbid fascination that I watched people convince themselves that the masks were good and everything virtuous; saw even those that didn’t like them still put them on to ‘go along to get along’ or ‘just until things got better.’ “Why don’t you just wear it, Cristina? It’s not that hard.”

My argument, and it’s crazy that I have to make this as an airline pilot because I’m not seeing it from many others, is that the masks are doing much more harm than you think. There is no benefit to them whatsoever. I’m not going to go into the science behind it and lose many of you readers, but the basic fact is: if they worked, why have they not worked? At all? It’s like a pilot thinking wearing lucky socks is going to make every landing smooth as butter. What happens when you have a rough landing? So many people caught it while wearing a mask, but they convince themselves it was that second they took it off, or it wasn’t fitted properly, or they were just unlucky. News flash: the mask doesn’t prevent it.

Why am I writing this now? Because masks are making a comeback. I and others became complacent in our newfound freedom and stopped fighting. We said, ‘if you want to wear a mask, go ahead, it doesn’t affect me.’ But that was naive. Masking is a form of control, and it’s a visual way to placate the fanatics amongst us that have taken control of public health into thinking they’re doing something. The science behind masking becomes murky- no matter how many studies or real-world evidence you present showing they don’t work, people remember wearing them and being told they work.

So when the local Air Force Base where my children attend daycare says adults have to wear masks again because of ‘local transmission,’ everyone does it. They don’t like it. Most know they don’t work. But they’ve been beaten down so much emotionally and spiritually over the last 3 years that they just do it. Well, no more for me. I refuse. I have to be able to look at myself in the mirror. I have to be able to tell my children that I stand up for my convictions, and that I do not bow down to tyranny. Because make no mistake, this is tyranny. It may not look it, and you’ve been convinced it isn’t, but they are literally in charge of how you breathe.

Military members and fellow military spouses, when are you going to stand up for yourself? Are you going to keep ‘going along to get along?’ Do you not see this will keep going on forever unless you put your foot down? Are you going to just keep complaining to each other, going into rooms by yourself for a mask break? What do you think is the end game for this? They’re normalizing mask-wearing, so that every new cold or flu, basically whenever they want, they can force you to cover your face. They’re trying to bring masks back to airline travel as well. Even if they did, there’s no way it could be enforced. The cat is out of the bag; the American people have seen that they can have a choice and it didn’t affect rates of transmission. As an airline captain, I will never enforce it, because I know it’s a ridiculous and unscientific rule, which will cause passengers to question the other rules we have in place for safety.

Commanders and leaders of the military, it’s time to grow a spine, and stop enforcing masking.

Relevant Links: 

  1. Do masks work? See reviews of over 150 studies
  2. Pathogenic Bacteria and Fungi Found on Masks: Study
  3. Australian Aviation authority did NOT assess risks of wearing masks at altitude

Source: Military- It’s Time to Stand Up and Say No to Masks

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