Michigan Senate Repeals Emergency Powers Law, Whitmer Unable to Veto

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Michigan’s Senate  on Thursday approved a petition that repeals Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s emergency powers, with another approval expected by the state’s lower chamber.


Whitmer, a Democrat, cannot veto the petition.

The Michigan Senate’s 20-15 vote came two days after the Board of State Canvassers certified the petition, which was started by a group called Unlock Michigan that gathered over 340,000 signatures.

The board deadlocked 2-2 in April but voted 3-0 this time around.

The petition took aim at the 1945 Emergency Powers Act that enabled Whitmer to impose harsh restrictions on state residents during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Republicans on the Senate floor before the vote praised the petition and said it was needed to curb Whitmer’s power.

“This initiative represents a people’s veto of this governor and the unlimited power that she’s tried to claim during this pandemic,” state Sen. Tom Barrett, a Republican, told colleagues.

Read full story here: Michigan Senate Repeals Emergency Powers Law, Whitmer Unable to Veto

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