Maui Protests Against Mandatory Vaccinations

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You never hear much from the State of Hawaii but the global agenda is going on there too.


According to the latest data from the State of Hawaii’s DOH, there have been a total of 515 COVID-19 deaths over the last 16-months.

98% of those deaths had one or more underlying condition (cancer, kidney or lung disease. cystic fibrosis, diabetes, etc).

81% of those deaths were above the age of 60.

6% of those deaths were below the age of 50.

ZERO children aged 0-17 have died.

According to the CDC, in 2017, a total of 5,795 people died in Hawaii from heart disease, cancer, and stroke.

In that same year, 637 people died from ‘flu/pneumonia’ and 585 died from ‘accidents’.

With less COVID-19 deaths than the 2017 flu season and a total of 6 deaths below the age of 30, the State of Hawaii is mandating non-FDA approved, experimental mRNA vaccines with ZERO long term studies for all student athletes and all state and county workers.

Big pharma, big government, big tech and a worthless & complicit media have hijacked the State of Hawaii.


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