Maine moves toward housing inmates based on their gender identity

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AUGUSTA, ME- Time was New England states possessed a “puritan” mindset…very old-fashioned one might say. However, with the exception of maybe New Hampshire, that is no longer the case. Even stodgy old Maine is starting to slide to the left, as evidenced by the latest nonsense to come out of that state.

Breitbart reports that lawmakers in that state are considering a bill which would allow incarcerated persons in the state to be assigned to facilities based on how they “identify” rather than for their true biological gender.

While the bill is (of course) supported by the LGBT mafia, opponents range from feminists to conservatives who believe biological women should be sequestered in single-sex spaces, in particular places such as prisons and domestic violence shelters where their safety could be put at risk.

One such group, Women’s Liberation Front or WoLF is a feminist group that is vehemently opposed to the bill and is leading the opposition to the bill in order to preserve the status and safety of women, including opposition to LD1044, which was approved by the Maine Committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety on Tuesday.

In opposing the bill, WoLF wrote on their website:

This bill would have a disastrous impact on the safety, rights and dignity of incarcerated women in Maine by allowing men, regardless of their history of violence against women or the threat they may pose to women, to be moved to female…

Read the full story here: Source: Maine moves toward housing inmates based on their gender identity

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