Kaitlin Endres: 33-year-old California woman paralyzed, re-learning how to walk after Johnson & Johnson viral vector DNA injection

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RAMONA, CALIFORNIA — A 33-year-old flight attendant and former beauty pageant contestant is holding out hope that she may walk on her own again. But she’s resigned to her “new life”and trying to stay positive in the face of the impossible.

Ms. Kaitlin Endres received the experimental Johnson & Johnson viral vector DNA injection on June 9, according to her Instagram account. She felt it was “the right thing to do.” She also felt pressure to get the injection because of her jobs in both the airline industry and real estate. Ms. Endres called the injection a “birthday present to herself” since she turned 33 the day before.

Her entire existence and life as she knew it changed forever 12 hours later.

She was at a birthday dinner the next day and told her boyfriend “my legs feel really heavy, like something is squishing me.” But she kept smiling and pretending like nothing was wrong so to not ruin the dinner. Severe pain in her legs turned to excruciating, debilitating pain on her way home. She said it felt like there was a boulder sitting on top of her legs and she couldn’t move them. Ms. Endres lost consciousness as her body shut down from being in so much pain.

The pain continued the next morning so she went to an urgent care facility. She also could not speak normally and a 104 degree fever. Ms. Endres said on the “Level Up with Matt Rogers” podcast that doctors tested her for blood clots. But she did not specify what tests were actually done. Doctors told her she was fine and nothing was wrong with her despite being in excruciating pain. These are “normal” side effects to the experimental injections, according to…

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