Jonathan Cahn issues prophetic warning to Biden and America: REPENT and stop waging war against the Word of God

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 Messianic Jewish teacher Jonathan Cahn has issued a second warning to fake president Joe Biden and really all of America to repent of all apostasy and embrace Jesus Christ as Messiah and our only salvation.

Entitled “Prophetic Message II to Joe Biden (The White House Apostasy),” Cahn’s latest message – watch below – calls on Biden to immediately stop pushing LGBT perversion, abortion, and other wickedness on America. Cahn also calls on Americans to reject all such evil themselves, and to turn back to God.

Right after Biden assumed control of the White House in early 2021, Cahn issued his first warning, which was viewed by millions. That warning was ignored, so Cahn decided to issue a second one calling on the fake president to repent from his wickedness.

Cahn specifically addressed in both messages Biden’s embrace and promotion of LGBT perversion, which has redefined marriage to include just about any perverse partnership imaginable. (Related: Biden’s cabinet is filled to the brim with transgenders, child-grooming pedophiles, and other loud-and-proud perverts.)

“If we ever disregard the eternal rules of God, his blessings will be removed from the land,” Cahn stated in both videos, citing George Washington, America’s first president.

Biden did this not only once but twice, most recently on December 22 on the White House lawn when he signed into law a same-sex “marriage” bill that enshrines federal protections for homosexual couples.

“You did something that no president had ever done,” Cahn says in the video about Biden’s historic signing of the so-called “Respect for Marriage Act.” “You enshrined the alteration of marriage into federal law.”

“And you not only did that, but you commemorated it with a great festival, inviting thousands of activists and drag queens to the White House lawn to celebrate it with songs and music – you converted the White House into a ‘rainbow.’”

God will not be mocked: His wrath and judgment on America will be righteous and swift

The America of today has embraced an ethos of calling good evil and evil good. Its leaders openly and proudly corrupt children, the most innocent among us, while ratcheting up persecution against the righteous who follow God and His Word.

With each passing day, the evil that infests this land gets progressively worse and more outlandish. It can only go so far, though, before God says enough, followed by His swift and righteous wrath and judgment.

Cahn seems well aware of this reality, which is why he is pleading a second time for Biden and really all of America to reject evil and embrace Jesus Christ as the One True Savior, and the only way to salvation and eternal life.

“For now, you have a position, an administration, a government, a party, a media,” Cahn said in his message to Biden. “But the day will come when you will stand before God and you will have no more position, no administration, no government, no media, and no public opinion. They will all be gone: it will just be you and Him.”

“He’ll ask you to give an account for what you did with regard to His Word and His ways, and what you did with regard to your own stands that you knew were right. And without salvation and the new birth, there awaits only an eternity without God and of eternal judgment.”

Judgment will come.”

This is true for everyone, by the way – not just Biden. The only hope anyone has is “to turn, to repent, and to come under His mercy and into those arms” – meaning the loving arms of Jesus Christ, the only One who can save.

Source: Jonathan Cahn issues prophetic warning to Biden and America: REPENT and stop waging war against the Word of God –

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