Israel’s Injection Program Is Failing: 6 Month High In New Cases

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The vaccine, which is becoming an obvious part of an agenda, is failing in Israel. With almost 93% of the country fully “vaccinated” against COVID-19, their cases are at a 6-month high.

Israel has administered at least 16,821,374 doses of COVID vaccines so far. Assuming every person needs 2 doses, that’s enough to have vaccinated about 92.9% of the country’s population. Obviously, the vaccines don’t work at prevention or transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus (its existence is still in question) so why are the rulers bothering anymore?

We know they are lying and we know this vaccine is a part of the agenda or they would not be pushing it to this extent.

Image: Israel’s mass vaccination nightmare worsens as nation reaches a six-month HIGH in new covid cases


Despite having an authoritarian police state that pretty much requires all citizens to get “vaccinated” in order to live, Israel’s current state of public health is dismal at least as far as “positive” test results are concerned. Now deaths and hospitalizations and cases are skyrocketing especially since the country started implementing the third dose of these shots.

The country is now set to institute another lockdown. According to a report by Natural News, new restrictions will go into effect on Sunday.

“New rules for the education sector were also set to go into effect Sunday,” ToI reports. “Classes for pupils in grades 7-12 in communities listed as ‘red’ or ‘orange’ will only be allowed to open for in-person learning where 70 percent of pupils have received the first dose of the vaccine.”

“Pupils in classes where fewer than 70% of kids are vaccinated will learn online. This decision will also apply to primary schools (grades 1-6) in three weeks.” In “green” and “yellow” communities, public education will continue on as normal for all grade levels.

Even though almost 93% of Israel has chosen to take the “vaccines,” the ruling class is warning everyone can still get sick and die. “The risk for everyone one of us to contract the disease is the highest since the beginning of the pandemic,” announced Prof. Eran Segal, a computational biologist from the Weizmann Institute of Science, and one of the Israeli government’s top coronavirus advisors.

How is it possible that this risk for everyone is higher now when Israel is approaching a 100% vaccination rate? These are just more questions we aren’t supposed to be asking or even thinking about.

Source: Israel’s Vaccination Program Is Failing: 6 Month High In New Cases

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