If the Crisis Is a Lie, the Solution Will Not Work

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America is in the final stages of being taken over by Marxist/Communist/Fascist/Democrat/Rinos. First, it was a war of words where definitions were changed to meet their narrative. Then, students were trained in school to be dumb. Standards were lowered. Once they completed a couple of generations of Affirmative Action graduates, they ensured that the populace would be dumb, tolerant, and politically correct (censored), and they could put their plans to control the world into action. There is just one problem. If the crisis is based on lies, the solution they offer will not work. I can, however, promise you the solution will be expensive, and they will just need more time to make it work. So, the incapable-of-thinking Affirmative Action graduates will just keep on electing them.

One thing we learn about these people is that they have no problem lying straight to your face and forcing you into a belief system that you know in your heart is false but feel powerless to challenge. You feel in order to survive. You must buy into their lies and change your life into something that you no longer recognize.

In this final phase of communism, if you do not believe in their skewed ideas, the ramifications on you can be devastating. You can lose your business, your land, your family, your country, and your freedom. It’s up to us to recognize their lies and call them out whenever possible. It is no longer safe to be part of the silent majority. Their goal is to decrease the population using any means possible. In order for their programs to work, they have to choose something that is absurd, has no solution, and can never be controlled by man. But it will be increasingly expensive. But they will gain power and riches beyond belief at our expense. They will force the people to give up their freedom. Their chosen path is the climate. After all, climate affects everyone in the world. What better to teach the Affirmative Action graduates that CO2 is destroying the planet and we must stop using and controlling CO2? Climate can not be controlled by man. CO2 is necessary to sustain life. Without CO2, all living things will die. The depopulation is accomplished. All they have to do is sit back and let the low-information, scientifically deprived sheeple kill themselves.

So they do things like show you pictures of the polar ice caps in the summer and claim they are melting. Show you endangered species that, under normal circumstances, evolve and can become extinct on their own. By putting in place things like not managing the forests properly, they create conditions that they can use, like wildfires, to blame climate change. This is nothing new; it has been going on for years, and the sad part is that they are training our children, who have now become adults, to believe that they can control the climate. By using this approach in school, people no longer realize that fossil fuel creates energy, which creates power. Power is the one thing they never want Americans to have. It’s not about climate; it’s about power.

The prospect of cheap fusion energy is the worst thing that could happen to the planet.” – Jeremy Rifkin, Greenhouse Crisis Foundation

Giving society cheap, abundant energy would be the equivalent of giving an idiot child a machine gun.” – Prof Paul Ehrlich, Stanford University

America’s children, who are now adults ruining America, have been deliberately dumbed down. For the last 30 years, all I have heard is that 47% can not read, write, or do math on grade level. And yet we continue to send our unsuspecting kids to the indoctrination clinics masquerading as public schools. Homeschool is the answer. Go to the Florida Citizen’s Alliance and Create a MICROSCHOOL goflca.org.

Lies taught in school:

Today’s children and young adults care more about climate change than they do most issues, as temperatures have reached record highs and the number of weather-related disasters continues to rise. TOTAL LIE



Is America worth saving? If not you, who? If not now, when?

Join us and learn the truth about the climate.

H. Sterling Burnette Director, Arthur B. Robinson Center on Climate and Environmental Policy; Managing Editor, Environment & Climate News https://climateataglance.com/ https://climaterealism.com/

Hank Fallek, Electrical Engineerhttps://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/4vfjtdz6jxfdkkaqk24mr/CLIMTE-CHANGE-v16.ppsx?rlkey=507qygoumdyj1oecm69b231km&dl=0

Everything is connected. Nothing is random. Everything has a plan. All plans are lies. All Globalists want is MONEY, POWER, CONTROL. Don’t give them yours. Challenge them with the truth. Is America worth saving? Doing Nothing is affirmation.

Important Messages: Florida is Mandated to use machines to count votes.

In 2021, Florida Statute 101.5604 was signed into law. Look at the last sentence: A county must use an electronic or electromechanical precinct-count tabulation voting system. Florida is mandated to use corrupt machines. Call your legislator and tell them to change “must” to “may.” Does your state have a similar statute?

Important Articles:

Call your Federal legislator and ask them to sponsor: https://www.kitco.com/news/2023-09-15/Rep-Tom-Emmer-reintroduces-anit-CBDC-bill-as-the-digital-dollar-debate-heats-up.html

Tell them NO Continuing Resolution. Shut down the government. Biden is giving illegals $2500 a month, and they want to cut Social Security.

Great News

Phonics is back. https://nypost.com/2023/09/17/columbia-quietly-closes-down-teachers-college-project-that-ruined-countless-lives/


Source: If the Crisis Is a Lie, the Solution Will Not Work – America Out Loud News

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