Hydroxychloroquine Science from REAL Doctors

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What the government, CDC, NIAID, NIH, Fauci and a whole lot more people are doing to the public during this plandemic is absolutely intentional and criminal. Why? Because there are and always have been treatments for the coronavirus. Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin and more are being used today by outstanding doctors who really care about your health and it is working!

This is known worldwide yet the criminals in charge don’t want you to know and want to cancel and censor those who promote it. Why? MONEY! The CDC cannot declare an injection (aka vaccine) Emergency Use Authorization when there is a credible treatment available. MONEY is all big pharma wants and those in charge are all in their back pockets.

Below is a video from the Frontline Doctors lead by Dr. Simone Gold in which they explain how the drug hydroxychloroquine works.

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