How the general public was kept in the dark over Covid

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Covid “conspiracy theorists” are at long last being vindicated as the Covid menace thankfully starts to fizzle out.

For some time it has been obvious to me as a well-practiced conspiracy watcher that the global establishment has weaponised Covid to try (and hopefully fail) to achieve a hidden, nefarious agenda which has very little to do with “fighting the virus”.

It’s Agenda 30/New World Order/Build Back Better/The Great Reset all rolled up in an unholy alliance of convergent opportunism with the UN climate change scam, Big Pharma and Bill Gates’ vaccine megalomania and programmable digital currencies. It’s a conspiracy taking place in plain view, as succinctly exposed by Reiner Fuellmich (qv).

I set this out in an email to selected politicians now posted online as The Covid establishment has been getting away with murder. To repeat my question to politicians which never got an answer:

Do you deny that you and the entire political class have needlessly dragged out the Covid scare since summer 2020 when UK Covid deaths all but disappeared [later resurgences were caused by the vaccines, proved below] in order to administer the unnecessary and, as was forewarned and quickly demonstrated, dangerous Covid vaccines to the entire population, all for the appalling yet patently obvious ulterior motive of getting everyone hooked on vaccine passports which will morph into social credit digital IDs ready for the Davos/WEF/UN “Great Reset”?

It is obvious that very few of the general public have so far realised the scale of the Covid deceptions inflicted on them by their governments. Hopefully this paper will help more people to understand what has really been going on.

I understand how peer-pressure to conform makes it doubly-difficult for most people to believe that their own government and its agencies could be so conspiratorial and malevolent as to scare and mislead the public as they have done over the politically-engineered Coronavirus pandemic with such callous indifference to the unwarranted massive collateral damage caused.

Even so, I have been puzzled as to why so few of the public have seen through the establishment’s Covid machinations. The insistence that vaccines were our only hope of salvation made no sense when by summer 2020 it was obvious that vaccines would only be needed for the most vulnerable (ref. Great Barrington Declaration), assuming they were proved safe which they never were.

It made even less sense when the narrative changed to say that younger and younger age groups, even children, should take the dangerous experimental vaccines. This led on to the coercive imposition of medically-pointless vaccine passports (the vaccines don’t prevent infection and don’t stop transmission) which are now being morphed into population-controlling digital ids.

It is obvious that forcing the entire population onto a digital id control system has been the global establishment’s prime objective from the outset, no matter the collateral damage. This is the only plausible explanation for their previously unfathomable dragging out of Covid restrictions and constant changing of goalposts, along with myriad other obvious giveaways.

I have belatedly realised that the simple and understandable reason why so few people have “joined all the dots” to see the establishment’s hidden agenda is that the mainstream media (MSM), which most of the public mistakenly believes to be trustworthy, has deliberately starved the public of counter-narrative facts which are only available in a few non-mainstream news outlets which relatively few people support.

My “getting away with murder” paper shows how almost everything the establishment has told us about Covid has been untrue. They have only got away with this because the MSM is so firmly in the pockets of the establishment, for example through the Bill Gates Foundation and the government through its huge spending on Covid propaganda, aided and abetted by Big Tech who are making a fortune out of Covid.

Follow the money…

Continue reading the full story [icon name=”arrow-right” prefix=”fas”] How the general public was kept in the dark over Covid | Principia Scientific Intl.

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