From Dr. Vladimir Zev Zelenko MD – Injections Don’t Work & Unsafe!

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Vladimir (Zev) Zelenko (born 1973) is a Ukrainian-American family physician known for promoting a three drug cure of hydroxychloroquine, zinc sulphate and azithromycin as part of an experimental outpatient treatment for COVID-19 that he has promoted as the Zelenko Protocol.

Treatment protocol:

Prophylaxis Protocol:

From Dr. Vladimir:

Covid-19 vaccines don’t work and are unsafe. The inhibition of RNA dependent RNA polymerase by the zinc / zinc Ionophore approach will stop ALL the variants.

This has always been the correct approach. The stakeholders in this global crime have done everything to suppress this information.

This is because it undermines the fear and isolation narrative and allows people to return to normal living without codependency on global sociopaths.

It also turns out that the inhibition of RNA dependent RNA polymerase stops all the strains of influenza virus.

This means that a $10 a person treatment can destroy the entire flu shot and contact tracing business. The stakeholders will lose 250 billion a year.

This explains why the devolved pagans such as Bill Gates, etc oppose this lifesaving information.

Vladimir Zev Zelenko MD

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