EMA Pfizer Documents – Experimental COVID-19 mRNA Shots – Risks to Pregnancy being Concealed but Verified by VAERS Data

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Newly obtained data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), website shows that unborn children in the womb continue to be adversely affected by COVID 19 vaccines at an alarming rate.

Abortion Free New Mexico has also received expert analysis on the animal trials (published by the European Medicines Agency) for these vaccines that confirm what VAERS reports indicate, that these vaccines are harmful and toxic to unborn babies.

Abortion Free New Mexico has previously reported that none of the COVID 19 vaccines have been approved for pregnant women and are being distributed without full approval from the FDA on an emergency approval basis.

In addition, all four of the vaccines currently being distributed are produced and/or tested with cell lines that originated from an aborted child.

As of May 22, 2021, there are a total of 283 adverse reports in VAERS where the symptom is either “spontaneous abortion” or “fetal death”.

Of these, 9.54% are attributed to J&J/Janssen, 36.75% to Moderna and 53.71% to Pfizer BioNTech.

These cases can be seen in the chart below based on time from vaccination to pregnancy loss.

These events are occurring very close to the time of vaccination, and subsequently falling off as time progresses.

This is highly suggestive of a causative link between the vaccination and the adverse event.

Graph compiled by Abortion Free New Mexico whistleblower. Source.

There are also 18 additional reports of premature birth, premature rupture of membranes and preterm rupture of membranes.

Of these 50% are within the first 0-2 days post-vaccination, and nearly 70% are within the first 10 days post-vaccination.

Tara Shaver, spokeswoman for Abortion Free New Mexico issued the following statement:

All of this data strongly suggests that these experimental ‘vaccines’ are a threat to life in the womb. Some suggest that only 1% of adverse reactions to vaccines are ever reported to VAERS, so the deaths of unborn children could be as high as 28,300.

It’s no secret that Bill Gates, one of the world’s leading population reduction advocates, has stated publicly that vaccines and abortion are the main drivers of his population control agenda.

Read full story here: Source: EMA Pfizer Documents on Experimental COVID-19 mRNA Shots Reveal Animal Studies were Conducted during Trials – Risks to Pregnancy being Concealed but Verified by VAERS Data – Vaccine Impact

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