Elon Musk: World Government Will Lead to “Collapse” of Civilization

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During his virtual appearance at the 2023 World Government Summit in the United Arab Emirates, Elon Musk warned that the creation of a world government would result in the collapse of human civilization.

Addressing government officials at the event in Dubai, the CEO of SpaceX argued that too much cooperation between governments could pose a civilizational risk by stifling diversity.

Musk pointed out that throughout history, major civilizations were separated by distance, allowing others to rise when one went into decline.

However, in a globalized world, this is impossible, and the world will be forever dependent on its weakest link, Musk claimed.


Musk emphasized the importance of preserving humanity, likening it to a tiny candle in a vast darkness that could quickly be extinguished.

He also expressed his concerns about the absence of evidence of extraterrestrial life, stating that he had seen no sign of alien technology or any alien life whatsoever and that SpaceX does a lot, and no one knows more about space technology than him.

Although Musk’s warning about world government does not seem to have struck a chord with those still pursuing one, it is worth noting that WEF globalist Klaus Schwab recently called for elites to unite to “master” advanced technologies, warning that failure to act quickly could result in the world “escaping our power.”

Source: Elon Musk: World Government Will Lead to “Collapse” of Civilization

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