Dr. Jane Ruby – something very dark is going on in our hospitals

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Good morning everyone, this is Dr. Jane,with a little bit of an impromptu coffee chat many of you were up late last night with a us, following the story of Veronica Wolski, I didn’t know her personally and on Stew Peters today, I’m going to be covering how hospitals are starting to shut down their departments and their services? Because they’re tightening the noose, the proverbial noose around the neck of nurses and other providers and they’re leaving they’re being fired, asked to leave, so it’s really creating a shortage that is shutting down services.

More to the urgency last night was something that I’ve been fearing, and that I’ve been actually seeing an individual anecdotal stories where people go into the hospital because they struggle with breathing from some flu or the covid flu, and they get talked into the or rushed into being sedated and put on a ventilator, which is really the end of the line, because that’s not the appropriate treatment.

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View Dr. Ruby talking about this in full video on Stew Peters show.

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