“Do NOT Allow Them to Inject Your Children”, BioTech Analyst Issues Chilling Warning

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Karen Kingston provided absolutely chilling statements on the Stew Peters Show, revealing the secrets the FDA and big pharma are trying to hide from you.

Karen Kingston is a pharmaceutical and medical device analyst. She knows how the FDA process works, and the FDA process that was used for the supposedly newly-approved Pfizer vaccine disturbs her. Right now, you and everybody else can read the FDA’s approval letter and supplemental materials online. That’s your right as a U.S. citizen. But you can’t read everything in the letters. A lot of it has been redacted by the FDA. What are the mRNA ingredients of the vaccine? You can’t see them right now, and according to Kingston, the stated mRNA in the vaccine has been changed multiple times.

Not only that, but the new “Comirnaty” version of the vaccine, the one that is supposed to be in production from now on, doesn’t even have all its production facilities known to the public. Two of the seven are redacted from public view, and we want to know why. Kingston joined Stew on the show to discuss.

Also see these articles with Karen Kingston:

DEADLY SHOTS! Former Pfizer Employee Confirms Poison in COVID ‘Vaccine’

WOW! Former Pfizer employee pharmaceutical marketing expert and biotech analyst on FDA & vax approval

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