Did you know the World Health Organization is literally set up to…

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Below are some facts I bet most of you didn’t know about the World Health Organization. While they claim to helping the world, they are actually setting it up for absolute total control by the elite and the billionaires of the world. You will be their slaves if they have it their way.

  • Did you know the World Health Organization is literally set up to operate as a one world government?
  • Did you know that when the WHO declares a pandemic, the laws of all the nations are nullified, and the entire world is submitted to the so called ‘constitution’ of the WHO?
  • Did you know the WHO can at any time declare a pandemic, based on any fraudulent medical test?
  • Did you know the WHO declared the pandemic based on the severely flawed PCR test, which produces up to 94% of false positives?
  • Did you know that all the nations of the world are bound to unquestioning submission to whatever guidelines the WHO issues?
  • Did you know the WHO is owned and controlled by private individuals, who are not democratically elected by anyone?
  • Did you know this makes the WHO effectively a private entity that rules the entire world, outside of any form of democracy?
  • Did you know the entire health system of our world is owned by financial oligarchs, who use it to dominate all of humanity?

These are some of the facts exposed by the top experts from the World Health Organization and United Nations in the GRAND JURY EVIDENCE 1.

Read the full story here: https://stopworldcontrol.com/jury/?

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Censorship is here
Censorship is here
2 years ago

Dear We the Pundit: just thought you should know that your site is frequently unreachable for hours at a time. says “waiting for google”….

2 years ago

Yes, and thank you. I am aware of this and working on a solution.

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