Democrats, EVs And Tyrannical Mandates

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Why do Democrats insist on forcing consumers to make choices they don’t want? Americans are making it clear they don’t want electric vehicles, yet Democrats won’t give up their mandate zealotry.

Are they driven by authoritarian urges?

A poll taken last month shows that 48% of consumers would not consider buying an EV. That’s up seven percentage points from last year. Only 35% of those who responded to the Gallup poll said they might consider buying one, down from 43% just a year ago.

A mere 9% said they were seriously considering an EV purchase. That portion was 12% in 2023.

Yes, EV ownership has increased. In 2024, 7% of Americans own a battery-powered car. Last year only 4% owned an EV.

But this combined with a growing resistance is an indicator that the demand is reaching a peak if it hasn’t already.

After all, there are only so many consumers willing to buy an expensive, unreliable, grid-draining, and destructive automobile merely for the privilege of demonstrating their green street cred and moral superiority.

There are quite a few shallow people in this country but not enough apparently to keep the market warm.

Even with the rank of Democrats – whose positions are built on political superficialitythe EV fever has broken, with 27% saying in 2024 they would not buy an EV compared to 17% last year.

Among independents, the “would nots” have grown to 47% from 38%. (A thanks to Washington Post columnist Catherine Rampell for asking Gallup to break down the responses by party.)

This is why the Biden administration and nearly half the states have to force EVs on the people.

Of course, EVs aren’t the only choice that Democrats want to make for the entire country. They want to choose our energy sources (breezes and sunshine only), the homes we live in (out of those suburban houses and their large lots and into cramped multi-family flats), and our transportation options (public transit and bicycles).

Democrats insist that they have to manage the production of household appliances, limit the choices of sneakers and deodorants, and design dishwashers and gas cans.

They have banned or restricted a host of modern conveniences, from single-use plastic bags to plastic utensils to natural gas, condiment packs, and incandescent bulbs.

They’ve outlawed shower heads and toilets they don’t like. The Democratic Party has gone to war with truckers and targeted heating and cooling systems with obstructive guidelines.

Not even our First Amendment rights (nor those guaranteed by the Second Amendment) are safe from the Democrats’ agenda to manage, control, coerce, and manipulate through raw political power. 


Source: Democrats, EVs And Tyrannical Mandates – Climate Change Dispatch

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