COVID Vaccine ‘Undeniably’ Linked to Nervous System Disorder ‘POTS’: Peer-Reviewed Journal Nature

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Groundbreaking research published in the Nature Cardiovascular Research journal and acknowledged by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) has highlighted a connection between COVID-19 vaccines and an increase in the incidence of Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS), a disorder of the autonomic nervous system.

The study, led by eminent researchers Svetlana Blitshteyn and Artur Fedorowski, emphasizes an increase in new-onset POTS diagnoses following COVID vaccination.

“POTS can follow COVID-19 as part of the post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection, but it can also develop after COVID-19 vaccination,” the researchers confirmed in their paper. “A new study shows that the rate of new-onset POTS diagnoses is slightly increased after COVID-19 vaccination.”

The study highlights a key finding: “They found that the odds of POTS and associated diagnoses were higher in the 90 days after vaccine exposure than the 90 days before exposure, with a relative risk increase of 33%.”

This statistic underscores a potential post-vaccination risk that warrants careful consideration.

Expounding on their findings, the researchers note: “0.27% new post-vaccination POTS diagnoses compared with 0.18% in the pre-vaccination period, giving an odds ratio of 1.52 for post-vaccination POTS diagnoses.”

This data further establishes the existence of a noticeable correlation between COVID vaccines and POTS.

Despite the concerning findings, the authors of the study remind readers of its limitations.

They express, “The accuracy of POTS and POTS-associated diagnoses is crucial for study validity. The general awareness and diagnostic vigilance of POTS and access to adequate diagnostic modalities are decisive for POTS incidence reliability.”

The researchers assert the importance of their work in the larger context of POTS research and patient care.

“Despite these limitations, the study… is of major importance to POTS research and patient care for several reasons,” they say.

They also highlight that their work “undeniably establishes POTS and dysautonomia in general as adverse events after vaccination that should be recognized and investigated.”

Notably, the study also offers a broader perspective, acknowledging that “POTS and POTS-associated comorbidities occur more frequently after COVID vaccination than before, and much more frequently than myocarditis.”

Consequently, they propose that “POTS and POTS-associated conditions may be among the most common adverse events after COVID-19 vaccination.”

Given their findings, the authors advocate for further research in this field, calling for “large prospective studies utilizing the new ICD-10 diagnostic code specific for POTS.”

They also stress the need for “mechanistic studies investigating POTS following SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 vaccination,” which could help “determine causation and delineate the underlying immune-mediated mechanism.”

Overall, this study represents a crucial step toward understanding the possible links between COVID vaccines and the onset of POTS.

It signifies a call for renewed vigilance, increased research, and enhanced patient care, reminding us that as we continue to fight against the pandemic, “the need to invest in POTS research to advance our understanding, diagnosis and management of POTS — a common sequela of both SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 vaccination — has never been more pressing.”

Adding to the growing discussion on POTS, Dr. Richard Bartlett, a physician with 30 years of experience in direct patient care, shared his perspective on the current state of the syndrome.

He notes a discernible shift in the ER, stating, “The rare diagnosis of POTS is becoming much more common since the COVID shots were heavily marketed to the masses.”

Dr. Bartlett describes the suffering of these patients as palpable.

He says, “It is obvious that these people have a new problem that is miserable and debilitating.”

Patients diagnosed with POTS, he suggests, find themselves on a medical carousel.

“They live a life of recurring ER and doctor’s office visits, bouncing from specialist to specialist in search of relief from their symptoms,” Bartlett states.

This firsthand account from an experienced physician offers an additional perspective on the complex dynamics between COVID vaccinations and POTS.

According to the NIH, POTS is a disorder characterized by orthostatic intolerance (OI)—a condition where standing up from a lying position causes an abnormally low amount of blood to return to the heart.

This often leads to lightheadedness or fainting.

POTS stands out from other OI disorders as it involves a rapid heart rate increase of over 30 beats per minute or exceeding 120 beats per minute within 10 minutes of standing up.

These symptoms subside when lying back down.

POTS primarily affects women aged 15 to 50, often commencing after pregnancy, major surgery, trauma, or a viral illness.

The disorder can hinder exercise due to induced fainting spells or dizziness.

Its cause remains unknown, the NIH notes.


Source: COVID Vaccine ‘Undeniably’ Linked to Nervous System Disorder ‘POTS’: Peer-Reviewed Journal Nature – American Faith

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